Chapter 69: Wednesday

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"Slow down, damn"

"What?" I looked up, my mouth still full of cereal.

"You're eating like a pig." Tori pointed out and scooped some cereal from her bowl.

I ignored her.

"Sit straight you banana"

a/n I know you're not straight but your spine has to be

"Do I really look like a banana right now?" I stopped and asked, feeling myself get conscious of my appearance.

I straightened my posture and she rolled her eyes, "no, don't worry you look great"

"Okay." I let out a relieved sigh.

"What's the occasion?" She smirked.

"Nothing." I said.

"You don't take ages for doing your hair and makeup"

"Shut up."

"Plus, actually borrowing from me..."

"Did something happen when you were with her?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"No" I grumbled, my cheeks getting hot and I shifted my focus on eating.

"Don't tell me you guys f-"

"We didn't!" I exclaimed, "we just talked okay?"

"Cap" she put the spoon down as she finished.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the chair, bringing our bowls to the sink and drinking some water.

"When do they usually go home?"

"Around 7pm. Why?"

I shrugged, "Let's go"


We entered the class and my eyes immediately caught the sight of Chloe and Kristy.

I dropped my book on my table; the place where Kristy was sitting.

She flinched and turned her head to me, "morning!" she greeted.

I wanted to wipe that smile on her face.

I glared at her, "that's my seat."

"oh- okay okay" she stood up, "Bye Chlo" she held her hand out for a fist bump.

My mood turned sour as I heard what Kristy called her.

Chloe bumped her fist into Kristy's and Kristy went back to her own chair.

I sat down and crossed my arms.

"Good morning" Chloe said behind me.

I ignored her.

"Pssst" she tapped my shoulder but I shook it off.

Tori leaned close to me, "I thought you were excited going to school"

"I didn't say shit."

Her eyes widen for a second and she pulled away, "damn."

The professor went inside the room and the students went to their own chairs.

"Good morning class" He greeted in monotone.

We gave him a bunch of weak 'hellos and mornings'

"sounds like you guys haven't eaten" he said and some of the students chuckled and nodded.

He was pretty cool to be honest, he gives us vacant time when we have something important to do for other subjects, he doesn't overload us with activities and he doesn't yell at us.

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