2. Alpha

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The Alphas are the top of the pack, they are the leaders and rulers, their word is final.

The Alphas are the Wisest, Strongest, Highest ranking members of the wolf pack as they hold absolute control over their pack members.

The Alphas are responsible for leading the pack on hunts, establishing pack territory and its safety, accepting strangers into the pack or driving errant wolves out of the pack.

They are responsible for keeping the pack in order and in control and will take many precautions to see that the pack is not disturbed.

Each pack member is considered family but respect is still presistant. The Alpha couple are always the first to eat from a kill, gets the biggest portions and choicest cuts of food.

They tell the pack what to do, where to go, and how to work without questions from their members. Keeping things at a strict basis is their way of showing their care and concern for the pack-mates.

The Alpha wolves can also choose their most trusted companions to become their Betas.

They demand respect and are in the position to punish or banish those who do not show it. An alphas command can not be disobeyed without consequences.

An Alpha can step down at anytime as long as there is still one Alpha to lead the pack.

An Alpha is the strongest, most powerful and by far the most lethal variety of Werewolf. Alpha's are said to possess great power and wisdom. An Alpha werewolf carries an internal spark of power. They are more animalistic than the others.

In most books, Alphas have black furred wolf.

Not all the Alphas are male. There are females too.

Alphas are known to be very possessive and protective of their mates.

In order to become an Alpha, a Werewolf has to kill another Alpha to attain their position as leader of a pack or form a new pack by gaining the loyalty of other Werewolves.

But also, Omega, Betas, and even Purebreds can become Alpha Werewolves without having to steal or take that power and status.
These are called "True Alphas". Whilst they are rare, known as the rarest of Alphas, True Alphas are ones that rise purely through the strength of the character, by virtue, and by the sheer force of their own will alone.

The alpha is the leader of the pack. He is the strongest and most important. This title is the highest title a wolf can have.

Alphas are born into the title.

In some cases, if a wolf does not feel that the Alpha is worthy or strong enough to care for the pack they will challenge the Alpha to a fight to the death.

If the wolf wins, then the wolf will be the new Alpha, seeing to the fact that they defeated the previous Alpha who was meant to be the strongest in the pack.

They become the new leader and their pups will continue the line. If the Alpha happens to be killed in battle, the wolf that killed him becomes the new Alpha of their pack.

Alphas are all highly respected and are to protect their pack at all costs. Alphas are naturally born with stronger and powerful genes, thus they are the superior wolves and natural leaders.

However, there are some books, which says even if the Alpha is killed in a battle.. only the alpha next in line can become the new Alpha. Not the wolf that killed the alpha, cuz the alpha blood only travels in those who are born as an Alpha.

When the alpha dies or can't continue leading the pack or has to step down, if he doesn't have a pup, it will be given to his mate (and then his mate aka the luna will become the new alpha. She will be a female alpha).

If the alpha doesn't have a mate or if his mate is not capable of handling the job (not because she is not worthy. But sometimes, the job is difficult. Other times, the alpha doesn't allow his mate to work because of his protectiveness on her), the title will be passed to the beta or the beta's pup.

In other times, if the Alpha is to step down, he can pass the title to someone worthy of the title. The someone could be the beta, the gamma, a warrior or even a normal ranked wolf.

"It's called an Alpha Werewolf. It's the most dangerous of the werewolf kind. This thing...is more powerful, more animal than any other classification of werewolves."

- about Alpha Werewolves

Any questions?

You can ask if you have any. I will answer based on what i know.

If you want to ask the question privately then you are allowed to do that as well. 😊

Lots of love 😘


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