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Chris' p.o.v

"I spy with my little eye something... red." Kitty teased pulling Jaylee's favorite shirt from behind her back. Jay's face lit up as she ran to grab it out of her mom's hands, her little arms wrapping around Kitty's leg tightly.

"You found it! Thank you sooo much!" Kitty giggled and patted her back, releasing her from the hug.

"You're welcome sweet baby, why don't you go put it with your outfit for tomorrow." Jay nodded and ran towards her room leaving Kitty and I alone.

"Where was it?" I asked, walking towards her.

"In the laundry, it was just buried. I need to fold laundry tomorrow apparently, but right now it's bed time." We walked to Jay's room giving her kisses goodnight before walking to our own room to get ready for bed ourselves. "So I was thinking that we could maybe let Jay pick out a stuffed animal or decoration tomorrow, that way she feels involved."

"I think that's a great idea toots." I gave her a very toothpaste-y kiss to which she mocked disgust, but kissed back anyway.

"I'm gonna go lay down, you coming?"

"Actually, I think I'm gonna go practice my script a little more, they expect me to come out to film within the next week or so, which means I'm way behind on my line knowledge." She pouted, giving me a quick kiss.

"Don't stay up too late, you know it's hard for me to fall asleep without you in the bed now,, since little one apparently likes your company." It's true, she never used to care if I was in the bed or not, but since she got pregnant she hardly ever falls asleep without me near.

"Do you want me to cuddle you 'til you fall asleep?" She shook her head, pecking my lips once again and padding over to the bed.

"No, go practice, I'll be okay."

"You sure? I don't mind." Kitty smiled, settling under the covers and releasing a sigh.

"I'm sure." I gave her a small kiss on the forehead then walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind me. I studied my lines for a couple of hours, going over the different ways I could portray the character and settling on the one I felt fit the best. Eventually, it got to where I was fighting to keep my eyes open, and had to read the same sentence three times before it clicked, so I decided it was time to go to bed.

I trudged to the bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible so I didn't wake either of the girls. The door creaked when I opened it, making me pause and listen for Kitty to stir. I was a little surprised that she didn't, but brushed it off and began stripping out of my clothes to get ready to climb under the comforter with her.

Once I'd shifted around and gotten comfortable I leaned over to pull Kitty into my chest, pausing when a sudden strong smell assaulted my senses. I wasn't sure how I hadn't smelled it previously, it was horrible. Climbing out of the bed, I shook Kitty slightly to wake her up, wanting to find whatever was causing the stench so I could get rid of it.

"Kitty? Kitty, wake up. Something smells really bad, and I want to find out what it is." I continued to shake her, not understanding why she wasn't responding. She'd never been a heavy sleeper, and she's even less of one now. "Kitty?" I felt my way across the room to the light switch, flipping it on in hopes that it would wake her up. "I'm sorry toots, but you weren't waking up, I had to turn the lights on."

When I still received no response, I looked over to her, my movements slow with dread. "Kitty?" She looked normal, her shoulders relaxed, body turned away from me so I couldn't see her face. I took cautious steps toward her, not really wanting to inspect it any further, but knowing I had to. The edge of the bed hit my thighs, and I leaned over her to shake her once more. "Kitty?" Her head rolled with my shakes, turning to face me. "Oh my god!"

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