Family bonds

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[Little disclaimer: Editing was hurried, so sorry if I messed up anything in this chapter.]

(Y/N): It all started a week after Avery's 8th birthday, after dad told her about her parents. She had come a long way from denial and asked to go on lonely walks around the shelter. Of course, we couldn't stop her from doing so.

Louis: So you let a kid wander around the shelter on her own?

(Y/N): About that...

Inside one of the government shelters, 7 years ago...

Of fucking course we didn't, our parents made sure someone was watching her to keep her safe. And since most Avery related chores fell to me...

Young (Y/N): I get that you're worried too, but why are you wasting your day off here?

On that particular day our eldest sister, Charlotte, decided to tag along for some reason. We were watching Avery from the corner of an alley.

Charlotte: Because she shouldn't be left to fend for herself, and it's unsightly to see a teenager stalking a kid through the streets.

Young (Y/N): Right, because it's so much better when a young adult does it. *Sips on juice box* I can take care of this, go home and rest.

Charlotte was a beautiful brunette, excluding her meager physical prowess she could do anything you asked her with her smarts and refined social skills. She was also completely different when it came to dealing with me, as the youngest man in the house she interacted with me almost exclusively uncensored and sometimes rude.

Charlotte: *Grins* Oh, I see... You're scared I'm going to steal your "cool big brother" moment and ruin your chance of earning points with your step sister.

Young (Y/N): Pffft, as if. You're not helping much if you run your mouth instead of watching Avery. Besides...

Being the second youngest meant I had very few ways to defend myself from my siblings, but the ones I had were all I needed since I knew all their insecurities and fears. Big sister's weak spot was being a bit too big.

Young (Y/N): What really worries me is your freakish height. She's going to spot your head peeking above the crowd and bust us!

Not that being six feet was abnormal in my eyes, but for some reason once she went over 5' 8" she became oversensitive to being tall.

Charlotte: H-H-Hey! Never mention a woman's measurements, it's rude! ᵇ⁻ᵇ⁻ᵇ⁻ᵇᵉˢⁱᵈᵉˢ, ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ˢᵖᵒᵗ ᵘˢ...

Young (Y/N): Whatever you say, now can it, we're moving.

We spent an entire hour following Avery around the market, which was her usual Saturday routine whenever the weather was good. She was still wandering when the street emptied that day so we had to stick to walls and be farther away from her than usual, and that was when everything went downhill.

Charlotte: Do you really do this everyday?

Young (Y/N): She's our KID SISTER, of course I keep an eye on her. You're older, shouldn't you try to sound more responsible than that?

Charlotte: Like you're going to be of any help against any serious issue! Besides, Avery has more sense than you and Ross combined, she can avoid obvious danger on her own.

At that point we were whisper shouting at each other instead of stealthily watching her, and I kid you not, the moment we look at each other instead of Avery was the moment she decided to make a left into a deserted alley.

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