Broken Remote means Memes

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"I know what universe we should watch next," Rim says as he aims the remote at the screen.

"Just a moment, Rim-san," Nezu calls out. Rim turns around to face the... rat? bear? ... principle of UA.

"Is something the matter, Nezu-san?"

"No, just want to confirm a few things. In this world, Midoriya is the leader of a group of vigilantes, and all if not most of them are quirkless." Nezu points out. Rim nods in confirmation.

"What I want to know is why is he a vigilante? Especially since UA allows quirkless applicants. How is he the leader of said group? What have they done so far? An what is his goal with this group?" Nezu asks, already formulating a hypothesis.

"Well, he's a vigilante because in this world, even though he scored enough points, he was placed in Gen ed due to being quirkless. Because of the unfairness of this, he left UA altogether. He was lost and wander around aimlessly, looking for a way to live out his dream. He then spotted a girl getting beaten by a group of people. When he got close, he heard why they were beating her. It was because she was a quirkless freak. So he did what any hero would do. He rushed in and saved her!" At this point, Rim is swinging his arm a bit excitedly.

 "using the element of surprise, he quickly got behind one of the larger boys and, with a well-placed kick to the temple, dropped the boy in a second. (All might and Eraserhead smile at hearing their student display his heroic spirit even in other universes.) This, however, caught the other's attention. As they stared down at each other, a policeman notices the groups and approach them. Seeing this, the bullies run for it, dragging their fallen friend. After talking to the police, he went to the girl. At first, she was hesitant to speak to him, but once he said he was quikless, she brightens up. He then learned her name was Tanaka Ichika. After a while, they decided to help others like them. old or young, they did what was right for fellow quirkless people." As he spreads his arms out after swinging them a bit, he launches the remote from his hand and hasn't noticed yet.

" Unfortunately, it didn't do much. Especially since quirkless people were vanishing and no one seems to care. It here they decided to take matters into their own hands. At first, it was small-time muggers, but then after a while, they saved numerous quirkless people! It was truly amazing, Nezu-san! I mean they -" RIm continued to mutter for a while longer until a certain bomb got annoyed.


"Oops. Sorry about that. anyway, he leads them because he pretty much started the group, and Their goal is to make a world where quirkless isn't the same as worthless." Rim answers a bit more calmly.

"psst, as if that will happen." Bakugou sneers out.

"Let's see if you feel that way after this Universe!" Rim announces as he aims his hand at the screen, only to see he isn't holding the remote.

"WERES THE REMOTE!?" Rim shouts, looking around frantically.

"Um, mister Rim, sir," Eri calls out. Rim looks at her with a forced smile to not scare the child.

"Yes, Eri-chan?"

"You kinda threw it during your excitement, and it landed over there," Ei says while pointing towards the front of the room. As Rim looks, he sees the remote broken in two.

".... SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!" Rim shouts in panic. As everyone looks at the destress Celestial being, wondering who this mysterious woman is and how terrifying she must be to scare Rim like this. After a moment, Rim turns around with a clearly forced smile.

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