Chapter 4: The Capitol

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We arrive at the Capitol and I am amazed there's huge skyscrapers and tons of people dressed in the most silly things. After we get off the train I go into this room were people are looking at me and murmuring things like:
"We can fix that" and "We'll have to cover that up"
Then they start there work scrubbing me and cleaning me and doing all sorts of weird things. They start ripping off hair all over me. Then they agree that I'm done.Then a man steps in, my stylist, he looks at me then dismisses the prep team.
"Hello I'm Halt, your stylist. Now let's get to business. Your district 9, grain, so I'm thinking of a wheat colored dress that has one wheat strap and splits into west at the end of the dress."
I just nod and agree to everything he says, not understanding anything. Later he comes back with the dress. I try it in and it fits so then we walk out side where Caleb is wearing and similar looking outfit.
"Aww you to look adorable" pipes Colly
Caleb's face turns red with embarrassment. We start to walk then Halt says
"Wait Kaitlynn here's your necklace." Then places the necklace on my neck. the run to catch up with Colly and Caleb. Before I know it the horses start walking and I can here the Capitol screaming. As we go out I smile in hopes to get sponsored by some rich Capitol person.
We get to the end and president Snow starts talking.
When we leave we are shown are apartment were we will be living.
"Wow the living room is bigger then my house!" Says Caleb
I go to my room and change into jeans, a gray tank top with a black leather jacket and black boots then I go to the kitchen to eat lunch. I sit down next to Colly then Caleb comes and sits across from me next to Rose.
"Tonight's your interview so you want to be nice and make the Capitol love you." says Rose "Just try to be yourself they'll love you!"
"What about training?" I ask
"Well when your finished eating we'll go train then all tomorrow is training." Rose says
We finish eating and go to a training area.
"Today just look around and experiment, tomorrow try new things then when the personal training comes show off your skills to the game makers." Rose offers in advice.
We go in and I see so many things that I've never seen before so I decide to focus on learning how to use a knife. I practice throwing it and it lands 3feet in front of the dummy, I try again and make it closer to the dummy. I try again and I hit it on the foot. I keep trying until eventually I hit the target in the neck.
"Come we need to get ready for the interview." Caleb says as he nudges me.
I look around and realize that he is very talented with spear.

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