Chapter 53

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A Night to Remember

Days had soon passed too quickly for everyone. In the past couple of days, (Y/n) had spent most of her time with Caleb to make up for the lost time. Caleb stated that if he was going to die, then he wanted to remember something good.

(Y/n) had made it her mission to go out on picnics with him and paint with him as they used to when they were younger. The days were well spent that she had forgotten all about her problems. It felt like the time back where she was living with him in Stohess.

She had spent some time with Erwin too. He had taken her to meetings as his aid. She was there for when they spoke about the syringe that could be used to turn someone into a titan. Levi was entrusted with deciding since he would be the most clear-headed.

She had also spoken about her role in the battle. Erwin had stated that she would infiltrate the walls without being spotted and try to weed out Ava along with her cousin. Erwin had decided to keep her meeting with her cousin confidential, even from Hanji which (Y/n) protested against.

Late at night, Levi had told her that he had gotten into an argument with Erwin. He had threatened to break Erwin's leg so he couldn't go on the mission. He was afraid of losing a strong leader and a close friend. However, Erwin is adamant about going on the mission.

(Y/n) leans against the stone wall of the restaurant. She had an unlit cigarette between her lips as she stares up at the sky. The sun was setting in the horizon casting a warm orange glow over the town. The universe is mocking her by showing such a peaceful sight.

Dinner soon will be served. She had heard from the other superiors that something special was going to happen which was why they were at a restaurant in the middle of town. A lit match approaches the tip of her cigarette. Fire ignites at the butt of the cigarette. She inhales the smoke and glances to her right, "Miles, I knew you couldn't stay away from me."

"Don't get so cocky, kiddo" the blonde smirks at her and pulls the cigarette from her lips. He holds it between his lips as his eyes stare off in the distance, "The smell of death must be overwhelming for you to be smoking."

"Yeah, but there's something weird going on," (Y/n) replies and he glances down at her, "I can smell some, but not others."

"Your conscious is probably blocking you from smelling them," he shrugs, "When you don't want to accept something, your conscious tries to ignore it or mask it."

"Damn, so my mind is playing tricks on my, huh?" a sarcastic laugh comes out of her mouth, "Satan, so many people are about to die."

Miles hums, his brown eyes on the horizon, "Sunsets are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Yeah, but I feel like I'm being mocked," (Y/n) glares at the sky, "The Gods are playing their stupid games and they don't give a shit who dies or lives. They don't care about separating families. I fucking hate the Gods."

Thunder rumbles in the distance at her words. Miles smirks at the once beautiful orange sky turning dark, "There you go, always starting a fight with literal Gods. When will you learn your words have consequences?"

"When I get struck by lightning" she smirks, but it falls when lightning strikes in the distance, "I think it's time to go inside before I get struck by lightning."

"Yeah," Miles says and puts put the cigarette. They walk into the building as the rain begins to fall, "Are you prepared to fight Ava?"

"Not really," (Y/n) replies, "She's the strongest out of all of us and the fact that she isn't a demon scares me. What else could she possibly be?"

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