Chapter 8: Never Coming Back

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Their mission was almost over. The Guardian, protector of the mainland. Po, a member of the mainland tubbies. And finally, Ron, an engineer for the Satellite Station.

If they succeeded, they could be considered heroes if anyone heard of their tale. But all Po wanted was to see her friends, her family again.

Eventually, after even more walking they made it to a staircase.

"Ok. We're almost to The Secret Center. Right, Ron?"

"Mhm. Go down those stairs and it should be nearby." Ron said.

The Guardian nodded and then the three started to head down until Po gasped when she saw something familiar.

"Hey! It's a speaker!" Po said as she went over to it.

"That just looks like a weird pipe." Ron commented.

The Guardian shrugged. "They were all around the mainland. Having recorded messages that told Po and the others when it was time to go to sleep or when it was time to wake up. But it also said 'time for teletubbies', which always made me think we were in a corny television show for kids."

Ron snorted. "That does sound corny."

"Yeah- Wait, what's a speaker doing here...?"

Po was about to answer before looking at the speaker again. "I...don't know. It doesn't look like it's on."

But then, out of nowhere, they heard something come over. They turned around and all gasped, eyes widening and jaws dropping, except for Ron's.

It was Noo Noo! He wasn't in pieces! In fact, he was alive! And more emotionless looking than ever.

"NOO NOO!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Po cried out as she ran over.

Noo Noo didn't respond.

"Wait...How are you alive? My monitor showed you in pieces. What are you doing here?" The Guardian asked.

"I'm making them better." Noo Noo replied. "I'm making things better."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked.

"I infected the custard. I made them better."

The Guardian and Po's eyes went wide. The Guardian's eyes then began to fill with nothing but rage. "YOU DID THIS?!?!?"

Po then suddenly screamed. "CHANGE THEM BACK!!!!!!" She was mad. She had never felt such anger and hatred towards someone. Her misery was because of her own friend! An entire day of misery felt like an eternity thanks to him!

"I'm afraid that is impossible. When one consumes the infected custard, they die hours later. The consumer then reawakens anew, but no longer living, eternally undead."

Po couldn't believe what she was hearing...her heart shattered. Were her friends never coming back? Were they just...zombies? Monsters?

"Reborn, the consumer no longer feels emotion. They are empty inside."

Ron growled at Noo Noo, clearly wanting to tear him apart.

"They all only have one desire. To kill the living and make them become reborn. Over time, the consumer will begin to mutate. They'll grow taller, stronger, faster, and sometimes grow new limbs to help kill prey."

The Guardian was about to stomp over and use his chainsaw to tear Noo Noo apart until his eyes suddenly...saw something. Something...different. He could see something big looming over Noo Noo, but it went away too fast for him to get a good look.

 He could see something big looming over Noo Noo, but it went away too fast for him to get a good look

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"This. This is the way teletubbies should be made. The machines are making mistakes when creating them. I am correcting those mistakes. For good. Their emotions and simple minds make them weak. Their emotions limit them from true greatness. I am removing these limits..."

"I'LL KILL YOU." The Guardian growled as he grabbed his chainsaw.

Noo Noo backed up, but didn't look scared. "I won't let that happen. Po wasn't supposed to survive, and she won't. And neither will any of you. Farewell." He then quickly rolled away.

"After him!!" Po cried, but stopped when she heard something.

Then, out of nowhere, the speaker suddenly ripped itself out of the ground to reveal it was connected to a giant robot body.

"COMBAT MODE: ENGAGED." The Announcer said as it prepared it's cannon.

Po's eyes widened as she and Ron backed up.

The Guardian turned to the two. "Stay back. I got this." He revved up his chainsaw.

The Announcer fired a small beam of lasers at The Guardian, but the Guardian quickly flipped over it and then ran at the giant mech, slicing it's legs.

The mechanical being growled and managed to swat The Guardian to the wall like a fly. It then prepared it's cannon again until The Guardian got up rather quickly and swung at it's legs again, along with dodging the machine's giant arms.

Sparks began to fly. And The Announcer was slowly losing power, but not too much. The giant robot then jumped into the air and stomped the ground, creating a shockwave that sent The Guardian tumbling.

The Guardian coughed for a moment before grabbing his chainsaw again and then looking at it's cannon arm. 'That's it's only weapon. I gotta cut that off somehow.'

The Announcer fired his cannon at him again, but The Guardian once again dodged and flipped over the beam before somehow managing to leap into the air multiple times while slicing into the machine's legs. The Announcer growled and slammed it's arm onto the ground.

The Guardian smirked and then started to climb up it's arm and slice it's hand off. As The Announcer tried to shake him off, he held on tightly until he managed to run up the arm and onto The Announcer's shoulder. There, he ran down the cannon arm and sliced off the cannon just before he landed back onto the ground.

"POWER LEVELS: 50%. ANGRY MODE ENGAGED." The Announcer said as suddenly, a saw blade arm came from the remains of the cannon arm.

"Ah, c'mon!!!" The Guardian said before starting to slice and dice with all his might.

The Announcer roared before slamming his saw blade arm downwards, but The Guardian blocked it with the blade of his chainsaw.

The Guardian struggled to push the blade away, but then heard reliving information.

"POWER LEVELS DRAINED. SHUTTING DOWWWWNNNNN..." The Announcer then fell on it's back, and suddenly exploded.

The Guardian turned back to the others as their mechanical foe exploded. "Everyone ok?"

Ron's jaw was dropped and Po, for some reason, could not stop looking at The Guardian. That was awesome.

"I'll...take that as a yes." He said before running over to the secret center and sending a message. "Mayday! Mayday! Guardian to military! Something has gone terribly wrong! Come here immediately!"

Ron and Po managed to snap out of it and went over to The Guardian.

"Ok. They're coming. Now...Let's get ourselves some sweet revenge."

"Good...Because that bully is going to PAY." Po snarled.

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