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04 - Detention ... or not?


At exactly eight o'clock that evening, both Charlie and Ben were stood outside of Professor Dipwit's office. Ben had his arms crossed and was tapping his fingers against his tattooed arm. Charlie was humming quietly to himself as he absentmindedly studied Ben's sleeve tattoo. He had added a new tattoo to the top, Charlie noted, the outline of a badger and an eagle. He smirked, he knew what that one meant.

Before he could open his mouth to tease Ben about his girlfriend, Fiona McKay, three more boys arrived outside the office just as the door swung open.

James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew were all panting heavily and looked warm and sweaty, like they'd run a long way. Charlie concluded that they'd probably forgotten about their detention.

"Come in." Professor Dipwit said in a stern tone.

The five mischief makers entered the office.

Stood to one side of the room was Filch, looking way too pleased for Charlie to relax. Anything that made Filch happy wasn't a good thing, in Charlie's opinion.

"You will all be cleaning the third floor lavatories. Without magic." Professor Dipwit told them, she added the last bit while looking directly at Ben, who had mistakenly let out a sigh of relief. "Leave your wands with me. Filch will accompany you there and then bring you back after you have finished your task."

Charlie frowned as he handed over his wand reluctantly. He watched as she placed all of their wands into a box and then locked the box in a draw in her desk.

Filch led them to the toilets. Ben was grumbling under his breath the entire way there. Charlie was surprised that the three Marauders that were present weren't kicking up more of a fuss, after all, they weren't known for making trouble for no reason. Instead, they were huddled at the back of the group whispering with each other and glancing out of the windows they passed at the full moon. To be honest, it was making Charlie slightly nervous, even though he knew they weren't talking about him ... probably.

     When they entered the toilets, Filch informed them that they needed to clean both the boys and girls bathrooms, making Ben start grumbling again.

     As soon as Filch exited the room, leaving behind four buckets of soapy water that Charlie assumed were enchanted to keep refilling, a ladder, a few dusters, and five sponges, Ben stopped grumbling under his breath and opted for complaining loudly instead.

     Charlie sighed in resignation and grabbed a bucket and a sponge.

     Ben and Charlie started on the end furthest away from the door. About ten minutes in, the Marauders were still huddled by the door whispering together. Charlie could feel Ben getting increasingly annoyed and kept glancing at his thunderous expression out of the corner of his eye, hoping that Ben wouldn't snap and confront them. A boy can dream.

     Suddenly, Ben put down the bucket violently and let go of the ladder he had been holding steady with one hand for Charlie while he reached up with a duster into the top corner of the window at the end of the bathroom. He spun to face the Marauders, who had stopped whispering and looked up at the loud noise.

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