chapter 32

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"Hey, Yeonjun! Sorry I'm getting home so late... How was school?"

"Oh umm... It was good."

Mr. Choi furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you ok?"

"Can I umm... Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, of course... What's up?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to ask you something."

"Ok... What's is it?"

Yeonjun looked around the room to make sure nobody else was there before whispering, "Can you take Soobin and I to get tested for STD's?"

Mr. Choi's eyes widened, "What?"

"Please? It was already hard enough to ask once."

"Why exactly are you asking me?"

"They won't do it unless we have a parent with us since we're still considered minors. I just thought it would be easy since Soobin has the same last name."

"Do you have to make an appointment?"


"Ok... Well, make one that goes with yours and Soobin's schedules and I'll take the day off to take you guys."


"Yeah, of course... We need to have a conversation though."

"What do you mean?"

"Did you two already have sex or is this before you guys are gonna do anything?"

Yeonjun's face turned red as he looked down at his feet, "Ummm... The first one."

"Ok... Did you use a condom?"


"Good..." Mr. Choi noticed how embarrassed Yeonjun looked, "Hey, Jun... You're nineteen and you have a boyfriend. It was gonna happen eventually... I'm just happy that you're being smart, ok? You don't need to give me details."

"I was just embarrassed to ask you."

"I know, it's ok... You two are being safe, yes?"

"Yeah, dad."

"Ok, good..." Mr. Choi smiled softly, "Do you want me to tell your mom?"

"Please? I can't say it in front of her... She's probably gonna go on and on about how I'm growing up too fast."

"I mean, you're not wrong... I'll talk to her, ok?"

"Thank you..." Yeonjun said and quickly hugged his dad, "Thank you for taking us."

Mr. Choi returned the hug, "Of course. I love you, kid."

"I love you too, dad."

. . . . .

"Awwww, Yeonjunie!! Good morning, sweetheart." Mrs. Choi cooed as she pinched Yeonjun's cheeks.

"Mom?..." Yeonjun sighed, "Is this about me getting tested?"

"When did my little boy grow up so much?"

"Mom, it's ok... Soobinnie's almost here, and I promise I will text you when we're done."

"Are you sure you're gonna be ok? I can come with you if you want."

"Dad's taking us, don't worry..." The doorbell rang before Mrs. Choi could respond, "That's binnie... Please don't embarrass him, ok?"

"I won't."

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