The Day Everything Ends

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Hi.. I'm Mei Lee and my life is kinda crazy tonight I will tell you about the day my time on Earth ends
~ Mei Lee

I walked slowly keeping my pace next to Lilith "The nights have been cold these days huh.." Lillith spoke softly while shivering to the cold night. "Yeah.." I spoke quietly.

We walked in comfortable silence the only noise we could hear were our soft steps the night was dark and peaceful we took a right turn.

As we took the turn I had immediately felt an odd preasance and I had felt an uneasy preasance, Lillith seemed to noticed my paranoid self and spoke quietly "it's ok.." I turn to her immediately and wispered " No something is wrong..can we look around?." Lillith soon nodded and we took a look around looking through the forest next to the departments and as I look around I spotted an old man behind a bush, before I could speak.

My eyes widened at the sight, the man held a skull, licking through the cracks and bitting the left skin. Which causes meto Bit my bottom lip causing blood to be drawn to keep held the a gasp, mean while Lillith was looking through another set of bushes and spots me, she then runs towards me and comes to a halt and becomes uneasy to the sight before her. She then grabs my hand and we Sprint through the sidewalk causing the old man seemed to notice the noise and looked towards our direction and screamed. A blood curdiling screech could be heard.

Lillith then turns her head and she had seen the man crawling at an inhuman speed he then pounces towards lillith but before he could touch her I had pushed Lillith out of the way getting in the way of him. His arm then slashes through my chest and the amount of pain I had felt was unbearable.

Causing me to scream because of the huge amount of pain and I look at him, terrified and calm. And say "why?.." The man then removes his hand from my chest, causing me to fall towards the ground. the man began to run again towards an alleyway crawling through the vents, screeching once more..

Lillith then sprints towards me and yells " WHY!?.. why! Just why!!, did you have to do this..." I lift my hand, going through her silky brown hair softly and say "cause your my best friend dummy.." I smiled softly

She then screams, Loudly "WHY!? JUST FUCKING WHY!?." She yells while looking at the setting night I then say "Because it's my time to go..." My vision then starts becoming blurry by each second given to me, Lillith's voice becoming more and more faint untill I couldn't hear anything or see, I was sorrunded by darkness.

.And that's when it awoken.

Untill I had heard a low growl behind me, I turned puickly and saw a gaint black lion their eyes glowing bright red. "Beautiful." I had said softly. Soft droplings we're heard through the darkness.

Hey it's Mei and this is the begining to the new world
~Mei Lee

The life of a Lee     (reancarnation read x VARIOUS NARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now