Part 24

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"Rumored Girl??? ; Closure."


Is he... Pissed off?

I shook my head and removed the thought. Why would he even be pissed off???


I entered the Music Room and saw Mingyu sitting on the bleachers with an Electric Guitar. I sighed before approaching and sitting beside him.

"Is there an available guitar left?" I asked and he nodded.

"Mhmm, get one at the storage room." He said without even looking at me. I looked up to the storage room's door and there's a guy sitting near the door. Looking at me with his eyes slightly closing like he's threatening me. Young Master...

I gulped and is about to walk to the room when the emergency bell rang.

"Fire?! Fire!" Everyone yelled and started panicking. Everyone started running towards the door and tried to ran out but ended up hurting themselves. Mingyu pulled me but his hand slipped off when a student bumped in me, making me fall on the ground.

"Hana! Hana, NO!" Mingyu got dumped on by the crowd of students and is now nowhere.

"Ouch! Stop!" I yelled as some students stepped and bumped on me making me even more dumped to the ground.

"You okay?" It's Young Master, he tried to cover me to prevent panicking students bump on me. In the end, it's him who's being hurted. I held on his arm when he almost collapsed to me. When the crowd is now lessened, we helped each other stand up but I couldn't walk well.

"Slowly, you're injured." Young Master Han said and helped me slowly walk out of the place. I looked at him and saw that he has a small bruise on his cheekbone. Shoot.

"Y-you're bruised..."

"Doesn't matter. You're injured and you need medication." He said without even looking at me.

Everyone is gathered at the Campus Quadrangle and looking at the place where the fire starts.

"Hana! She's injured!" I heard Jae's voice. Everyone is looking at the two of us who left the place a bit late.

"Young Master, a-are you okay?" I asked and he nodded without looking at me.

"I'm fine."


The fire started at the Chemistry Lab where a flask with a flammable liquid was splashed at a fire that caused an explosion at the Lab. Luckily, there are enough water supply to stop the fire but the smoke was thick that it alarmed the fire alarm and the whole Campus.

I am now at the infirmary and my leg was casted because of an open wound. How am I suppose to walk straight?

"Miss Choi. While your leg is still injured, you have to use crutches to support you to walk. We're sorry for the cause of trouble." The nurse said and I nodded.

"Good Day, students. After the alarm that shocked everyone, we are informing everyone that you can now freely go home while we fix the Chemistry Lab. There might be some dangerous gases that might be dangerous to inhale so we are cleaning it up. For the while, you better stay at home for now and rest, make sure to study for our approaching examinations. Thank you." The spokesperson announced.

"Let's take you home, Hana." Taeyeon said and took my bag. Mingyu is just sitting beside Young Master Han who's not in his best mood after the event.

"Slowly, I'll hold your bag." Jihyo said. Mingyu stood up and came to me and was about to help me when Young Master Han spoke.

"Next time, be there for your girlfriend. Don't just save your life and make yourself safe, her life matters too." Young Master Han said and left. I looked down and sighed before we left the school as well.

We rode Mingyu's car and they delivered me back home. Mama made dinner for all of us before they head home as well.

"Hana's Mom, thank you for making dinner for all of us. It's good." Taeyeon politely said and Mama smiled.

"It's no problem. You do took good care of my Hana as well. Come more often if you want me to cook for you." Mama said and they nodded.

"Will you come to school tomorrow with your condition like that?" Jae asked and I nodded.

"Why don't you stay home first, sweetie?" Mama asked and I shook my head.

"I can still walk, Mama. I shouldn't leave an absent mark for school of I would like to graduate." I said and smiled.

"I'll just go pick you up tomorrow." Mingyu said.

"Sure..." I said and Mama smiled at Mingyu.


The next day, Mingyu picked me up at home and we came to school together. He offered to hold my bag and to help me walk since I don't get used to walking with crutches.

"Nice job, boyfriend." Taeyeon said and Mingyu smiled at her. I smiled at Taeyeon as well and we all walked together.

"It's about time we should study. Shall we go to the Library or at the grass fields?" Taeyeon asked. I didn't picked up her question as I spotted a guy walking alone at the other hallway. The bruise in his cheekbone wasn't bandaged, luckily I took one bandage from my medicine kit at home.


"You guys better go off first, I'll catch up at the Library." I said and they raised their brows.

"But you can't even walk alone yet." Mingyu said and I shook my head.

"I'll be fine. Go, see you there." I said and pushed them away.

I slowly made my way to the end of the hallway and waited for Young Master Han to approach the way. He seemed a bit surprised the moment he first saw my appearance at the hallway but he kept his straight face.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked and I sighed.

"U-uhm... Honestly... He wasn't." I said and he sighed.

"This is not the right place to talk about it. Let's have a seat." Young Master said and helped me go to the benches and we both sat down.

"What do you mean he wasn't?" He asked and I sighed.

"Y-young Master... Remember that day that we ate together and got squared up by some girls? T-they spreaded a rumor that we are dating..." I said and he just looked at me.

"I know. And what about that boyfriend of you?"

"H-he came up with that idea... He said it's better this way... It's quite uncomfortable...honestly." I said and he huffed.

"And? You mean you're not on?" He asked and I nodded.

"Case closed."

Case closed....



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