The Confusion

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It was rather late when Iruka started to head home. Yuki wanted to know so much about the academy, what it was like for children in the village, and whatever else she could think to ask at the time. Iruka smiled, Yuki was going to be a great sensei, she already cared so much about her job. The village was quiet and the streets empty. He took his time walking home, there was a nice breeze that added to the cool air. He rounded a few corners, walking up the stairs to his apartment.

Something doesn’t feel right. Iruka thought as he closed the door behind him. He inched his way towards the living room only to have a light flip on. He stopped dead, eyes shooting to the figure in the chair.

“Kakashi?” Iruka squinted at the unmoving figure

“Did you have a nice visit Iruka sensei?” Kakashi replied in an unemotional tone

“You followed me?!” Iruka shouted, standing in front of the man “How could you follow me?! What did you think...” Iruka was silenced as Kakashi jumped into his face

“How could you stand in Yuki’s home flirting with her when you know how I feel about her?! If anyone should be angered right now it is me Iruka!” Kakashi was inches away from Iruka’s nose, his eye almost squinted shut as he yelled

Iruka backed away, hands raised. He knew he was no match for Kakashi and he also knew Kakashi needed a moment to regain his head. Kakashi stared as Iruka backed away, shoulders tense ready to strike. The two men stayed silent, the only noise that could be heard was Kakashi’s enraged breathing. Iruka waited, he was either going to be hit or Kakashi was going to calm down.

“I’m, I’m sorry Iruka.” Kakashi sunk down into the chair, his head going into his hands

“It’s ok.” Iruka let a sigh of relief out as he sat across from his friend

“I don’t know what came over me. I saw you with Yuki and you touched her so many times.” Kakashi sighed looked over to Iruka “I just lost my head. If anything this situation has made up my mind.”

“Made up your mind about what?” Iruka looked puzzled, had he missed a piece of the conversation they had just had

Kakashi stood before he continued

“I will not engage with Yuki at all. I will not speak, nor will I interact with the girl. She has caused me to lose control and I do not have time for such things.” He turned towards the door, his back to Iruka

“Kakashi no.” Iruka grabbed his arm to stop him “You cannot block Yuki out. She will no doubt end up working with you at some point so you will need to have some sort of relationship with her.”

Kakashi silently turned to face his friend. How many times will I have to say this to him? Iruka thought

“I will handle things in my own way Iruka. I hope this does not hurt our friendship.” Kakashi said looked down at Iruka

“No Kakashi, this will not hurt our friendship.” Iruka answered in a sigh, head down

Kakashi gave a half-hearted smile and turned to leave.

“But,” Iruka continued, causing Kakashi to turn around “I’ll warn you one more time. The way you’re handling this situation is not helping anyone. Yuki is just going to think you hate her. She’ll never want to be around you. Is that what you want?”

Kakashi paused for a moment, Iruka looked at him hopeful I think I finally got through to him!

“Yes.” Iruka’s mouth fell open “That is exactly what I want.”

Kakashi turned, leaving a stunned Iruka watching him exit. He closed the door silently and slipped into the night.

What?! Iruka dropped down to the chair How can he have feelings for her, but then want to push her away? Ugh Kakashi you are something else! Iruka looked towards the window at Kakashi’s disappearing figure I hope you know what you’re doing

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