Chapter 5: The interview

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Colly takes us to the dressing rooms and quickly my prep team comes out and gets to work. Then Halt comes out and gives me one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen. It was a teal dress that went to your knees. It had a very puffy lower half and the top half was tight and sparkly with blue and green gems across the top. The straps were three fingers long and it made me look actually pretty. Then for the final touch Halt put my moms necklace on.
I was escorted to a line where I had to wait for my interview. I was very nervous and my mouth went dry as the district 8 male was called up. I was next. I tried to think of what I would say when all of the sudden I heard my name and walked out on stage
"Hello Kaitlynn! From district 9!" Caesar Flickerman said with a huge smile on his face.
"Hello Caesar." I manage to get out.
"Well doesn't your dress look beautiful!" He says
"Yeah..." I say "My stylist made it."
All of the sudden everyone starts laughing and I start to feel somewhat comfortable.
"Now sweetheart what is your favorite thing about the Capitol so far?"
"Well I love all the food." I respond
More laughter, am I really that funny or am I just some kind of joke?
We talked for another minute then I thankfully exited the stage. Caleb was up and he did about as bad as I did. But it looked like the Capitol was liking him better.
He came off stage and said:
"Kaitlynn the Capitol loves you!"
"What, they were laughing at me!"
" They were laughing with you, you probably have a long line of sponsors already."
"But you did better than me wouldn't you have sponsors too." I say
And before Caleb can answer Colly takes us back to are apartment.

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