Amethyst: Betrayal

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She stood on the oceanfront yet again, her hair flying in the wind. The waves crashed endlessly onto the shore, feeding off Amethyst's anger.

After Arawn left her to go back into the party, she followed him, completely aware that no one would not be able to see her. Perhaps it was jealousy. Perhaps it was curiosity. Nevertheless, she followed, a dark string within her coiling around her shattering heart.

And what sight did she come too? Both of them hugging and crying into each other's shoulders, like they were already a couple.

She was about to rip off the necklace and storm at them, shouting obscenities. But she couldn't do that, could she?

So she let them cry their little hearts out, went home, waited for a few days for Petra to confide in her... But that never happened, much to Amethyst's chagrin and anger. So, now Amethyst was here. Confiding in the ocean. But, it was as if the ocean didn't want her either! It was harder to control, harder to manipulate.

No one wanted her.

A small clearing of the throat had her spinning around with her hands outstretched. As if they could do any harm! Both of her necklaces were now safely in her pocket.

It was only Tyler. He held out his hands in complacent surrender.

"Hello ma'am! I had a feeling I would find you here. You're not the most discreet, especially when the waves are this rough on a peaceful night like this," he smiled, shoving his hands in his pocket.

His brown hair was a bit messy as if he had run his fingers through it multiple times. The way he spoke was a bit strange... it made her laugh inside.

An involuntary smile graced Amethyst's face. "Hullo to you too. What..."

"Ah! A woman of business and clarity! I like that! You must be wondering about the necklaces. As much as I would like to tell you, I cannot."

"What?" she exclaimed, raising an eyebrow.

"I cannot disclose to you any information. Unless I would like to die an early death, which I do not. Do you?" he asked.

"Of course not!"

"Exactly! You have proved my point. Now, I must go. Good night!" he said before turning and walking away.

"Wait! Tyler!" she called.

He didn't turn around and just continued walking giving no sign of having heard her.

"Tyler!" she yelled again.

The same response, and she sat down angrily on the rock. What did that mean? Early death? Why could she not ask any questions? Wasn't she entitled to them? Afterall, she was given the necklaces with no explanation. She could just as easily throw them away.

But she wouldn't. Amethyst liked them too much. That was the only reason. And the fact that they had so much power. She could do so much with them! Imagine the countless tests she could get a hundred percent on! And she could get into any college she wanted! And she could spy on her sister and Arawn. Not that she was jealous or anything.

Lifting her head up from glaring at the sand, she noticed a shadowy figure (again!) at the ocean shore, seemingly dumping something into the ocean. Amethyst strode forth angrily, as if something within her had clicked in place. How dare that person do that! It was a pure nature source, not something to be polluted with the filth that humans possessed.

Something in her was yelling at her to do something. So she did.

"How dare you disrespect the ocean like that, you moron!" she shouted as she got up to

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