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The Falconclaw Pack, with Aphmau:

After the events of last night, Aaron and Aphmau slept in.

When they woke up, it was 1 pm. Saying Aphmau felt bad for keeping Aaron from his work was an understatement. She apologized over and over, but he assured her that it was okay and that he needed a break anyways. The pain ate lunch with the rest of the pack. Most pack members asked where they were at breakfast but they just replied with anything along the lines of "don't worry about it."

The two of them finally parted ways. Zoey asked for Aphmau's attendance in her office after lunch. She was the pack medic and psychologist which made sense. Aphmau knocked on the door and Zoey welcomed me in with open arms.

"Make yourself comfortable sweetheart, I'm just gonna get my papers that I'll need you to fill out."

She reached into a cabinet and pulled out some forms, sliding them across the table with a pen.

"When we're done with this meeting, you can go back to your room and fill them ou-" Zoey was cut off by a squeak, coming from the floor by Aphmau's chair. The two women looked down to see the familiar chipmunk that Aphmau brought to the pack house.

"I'm sorry little guy, I forgot that you were in my room. I left the window open for you to get out if you needed and there were peanuts in my bag." Aphmau was once again jokingly acting like the little fellow could understand her.

"What the hell?! Why in the world are you talking to a chipmunk?!" She tilted her head, Jeff turned to her and tilted his head as well.

"Cute little buddy! He can stay!" Zoey chuckled. Jeff roamed freely around the room, surprisingly not causing much ruckus. The ladies talked about casual things for a bit, then they start talking about the events of the previous night and Aphmau's dream.

"Can you explain your dream to me?" Zoey asked, patiently awaiting a response.

"Yeah um...I'm sure someone might've told you, but I came from an abusive relationship before I escaped and came here. The man who abused me is named Balto." Chills went down Aphmau's spine just at the mention of his name. Zoey was taking notes.

"He would mostly verbally abuse me, but he definitely hurt me physically. I guess my dream combined my fear of my old basement and my anxiety about leaving home, along with a past experience that led to the scars on my legs." Aphmau's ears laid flat against her head the longer she explained the potential causes of that dream. She had to stop and take a moment long break.

Aphmau took a deep breath and continued. "I have nightmares and tend to zone out. I also constantly have what I can only assume are pretty bad panic attacks."

Zoey stood up. "Fill out those papers and bring them back to me. Im gonna fill out some paperwork of my own and I'm gonna get you tested when you come in next." Aphmau stood up as well, following Zoey to the door where she smiled warmly. "Come to me if you ever need to get stuff off of your chest." With that, Aphmau left the room.

After about 2 hours, Aphmau had her paperwork filled out. She headed back to Zoey's office. Zoey of course let her back in. Aphmau handed her the paperwork. They talked and she looked through her answers. It had been about 30 minutes and they had gotten to know eachother. Zoey scored some stuff and knocked on the wall, 4 times to be exact. Right after she knocked, a young werewolf walked into the room.

"Daniel, would you be a dear and go get Aaron for me?" He nodded happily and waved goodbye to me before leaving the room. Aphmau couldn't help but get nervous at the gesture.

"What's happened? Did I do something wrong?" Aphmau asked, genuine fear coming across easily.

"Not at all sweetheart. You're Aaron's Luna so I thought he should be around when I make a basic diagnosis." Zoey gave her a reassuring smile.

"Oh um, okay then..." Shortly after, The pack leader entered the room. He had a concerned look of his face. Aaron sat next to his counterpart, taking her hand in his own. She felt herself beginning to turn red.

"So what's going on? Is everything okay?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Everything is okay, I just had Daniel retrieve you so that you could be here for Aphmau's diagnosis." Zoey explained.

He nodded, signaling her to keep talking.

Aaron gave her hand a squeeze of reassurance, then Zoey got to to the part they were waiting for.

"Aphmau, unsurprisingly, has PTSD and Anxiety." The distraught Luna looked down at her lap, letting anyone se speak.

"Don't diagnosis's usually take days? Even weeks?"

"I'm not the only doctor today so, Aphmau had had nothing else to focus on so I set my mind on figuring out what was going on with you."

"Is there any medication that we should be aware of?" Zoey nodded, sifting through her desk and grabbing out a bottle of pills.

"The paper explains everything you'll need to know. These are pills for your anxiety, they're called Zolof. Take one every night. Should there be any really bad side effects or issues after you've started the medication, come to me so I can change the prescription. If you want, you can look through times for therapy sessions, though, that's your choice." Zoey stuck the pills and paperwork in a bag. Aaron grabbed the bag and they stood up. Aphmau said her thanks and they left the office.

Aphmau let out the air she was subconsciously was holding in. Aaron wrapped his arm around her and she melted into him. Thet walked in a comfortable silence until they reached their room.


So how was that my lovely viewers?

I hope y'all enjoyed

Until next chapter~

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