Chapter 17: A deal with rival

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Hi guys ; Now just to recap you guys ,Ash returned from Hoenn league as a champion, started on a journey to Clevan region with 4 brains and 15 gyms to defeat be eligible to enter Clevan league, arrived at Levior school, made friends and rivals , had match with Paul , catch Eevee , Dragonair , Zorua , baded goodbye to May who was into Drew ,won Battle Club tournament accompained by Serena and Dawn who are into him and have now earn three brain badges until now :-

Soul badge from Alana
Castello badge from Liona
Belief badge from Senko

You all caught up again! Good ! Let's start

After earning his third badge, Ash felt comparatively more relaxed than he was ever since he arrived in Clevan region. He was finally thinking that yeah ! I can make it all the way to league if I keep going like this.

But he wasn't the only one . Stephan and Cilan were too absorbed into this after earning their first badge . Paul was admired by quite a few young trainers who were yet to think of leaving school as today he was going to finally have his fourth battle.

Serena and Dawn were invested in Pokemon coordinator skill enhancing too although it seemed apparently that they were just around Ash all the time . Bianca was thinking of starting a journey but had to yet win any badges.

Lillie was quite comfortable in wherever she was because she was more into books than exploration. All were in pursuits of dreams they had and willing to strive for it as it demands.

"Did you hear that? We can see Paul battling now . Let's hurry." A kid shouted as few other kids followed him too.

Paul is having his final battle . I think it would be interesting to see the battle. It could help me when I go there to earn my badge after all. Plus ! It is not like I have got much to do right now. With these thoughts , Ash also joined the viewers watching the intense battle going on .

Both Paul and Hiron had drawn their Pokemon. It was just one on one battle. That is what was most exciting because only one chance . Only one Pokemon.

While Hiron was fighting with his Heracross , Paul had chosen his Electabuzz for battle.

It would be an understatement to say that any of the side was appearing dominant in battle for both were just as filled with an alluration towards that sip of victory , both couldn't wait the judge to finish stating rules and the single word "Start" was awaited by all gathered just like a drop of water dripping slowly as it could each precise moment they waited. But then the moment finally came and the match began in passion that could only justify both their characters and skills today.

"Electabuzz! Use thunder punch now." Paul said as the fists of lightning advanced to strike Heracross.

"Use Megahorn!"  Hiron commanded. As both Heracross and Electabuzz advanced , the air in the surroundings became cold , the audience shudder at what was about to happen.

Soon both moves clashed with sparks flying but soon Heracross fall on its knees and was down.

"And Electabuzz is the winner." Judge announced as much as shocked as anyone else.

"How can it be? There is no way that Electabuzz could knock out Heracross by one hit." Hiron asked not believing what he saw . Ash wondered with as much as anticipation to the answer Paul was about to give if not more for certain.

"Yes! That is right. But I knew you were gonna use Heracross and it is weak to fire type. But you would be prepared for my fire Pokemon. So I had to produce heat some other way so much instatenously on Heracross. Electricity produces spark and if I  continue training with Electabuzz then it could focus it's electrical energy transferring it directly by contact into Heracross since it's horn can work as a conductor. That is all I needed." Paul explained as all were impressed. Ash was quite amazed by how much Paul had thought about all of this.

"I am impressed kid . Here is your Sephile badge ." He said handing him badge.

"That makes it four . I must depart for my journey now." Paul said and returned Electabuzz to his pokeball , hung his bag and started walking out.

Ash couldn't let just Paul go . He had to ask something. So he ran after him.
"Paul! Wait!" He shouted as Paul stopped in his tracks and turned back.

"What?" Paul asked.

"Look! I know you don't like me . And I don't like you. But can we have a rematch next time we see each other. I will be much stronger trainer." Ash asked him as Paul remained silent thinking.

"Not next time. I say we have match right when we reach the Pokemon league well if you reach.", Paul said.

"I will reach and you know that . So let's face each other in league right." Ash asked and he nodded and started to walk away again.

"It is a deal , Paul. It is a deal . A deal with rival no less." Ash smirked as Pikachu agreed "pika"

Soon Ash had his own match with Hiron and after intense battle between Heracross and Ash's Dragonair , dragonair emerged victorious earning him the final brain badge. Ash had to now reach Manchester City to register there at Pokemon center and also for his first gym battle. Seeing Ash was leaving , Stephan and Cameron promised him that soon they would catch up too and a battle between them will be sure. Bianca chose to stay here . Serena and Dawn on other hand were quite satisfied with what they had already learnt and were eager to test their skills in Pokemon contests and others or so they believe and suggested to Ash to accompany him which Ash and Pikachu accepted without any opposition since for Ash 'the more the merrier'

And thus Ash finally sets out on his ultimate quest to become Pokemon master for once and all with two infatuated girls towards numerous gym battles , rivals , adventures, friends and Clevan league and ya! He didn't forget his deal with rival as he gets ready to start on his journey.

As the journey continues