Meteorite From Space

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Zeraora:"So... You can travel between time?"

Time Surfer:"No, I can only travel between fixed points in time."

Glaceon:"What difference does that make?"

Time Surfer:"Time stops when I travel."

A meteorite comes crashing down beside them.

Melmetal:"I'm hungry! Can we have that skyscraper for dinner?"

Zeraora:"You really need someone to stop you, don't you?"

A green tentacle wriggles out of the meteor.

Zeraora:"Um... Time Surfer? What is this?"

Time Surfer:"Run."

A full size Deoxys bursts out of the meteor. It seems angered and shifts into Attack Forme.


Deoxys fires several balls of psychic energy at the four. Time Surfer skillfully evades the balls while Zeraora runs around Deoxys. Glaceon launches ranged ice attacks.

Zeraora:"Is it weird that this one sounds like a girl?"

Deoxys:"My gender does not matter to you."

Deoxys, being made out of DNA, shifts into Speed Forme and outruns Zeraora.

Zeraora:"Say what-"

Deoxys:"I outspeed you."

Glaceon:"Well... Look where you're headed."

Deoxys falls into a trap of ice that Glaceon set. Just as Glaceon is about to finish her off, Time Surfer announces something.

Time Surfer:"We need her on our side. We lost too many people. You don't want more enemies like Darkrai and Typhlosion, don't you?"

Zeraora:"How do you know?"

Time Surfer:"I took some time and visited your past. Of course, if I was going to find you, I'd need info on you. Losing your best friend must be hard on you, right?"

Glaceon:"What do you know about me, then?"

Time Surfer:"Three years ago, you guys were dating and broke up. I saw things from both perspectives at the time. Zeraora didn't know what you were talking about, and you were still an Eevee. You didn't like how he was overprotective of you and it would embarrass you in front of your friends so you dumped him."

Zeraora:"Oh... OK."

Glaceon:"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to-"

Deoxys:"Time is precious. You're running out."

Time Surfer:"Now!"

Time Surfer pulls the two into a portal. The two come out in space. 

Young Deoxys:"But mama... I don't want to leave you..."

Deoxys' Mom:"You don't have a choice. The Rayquaza are coming! They'll eat you!"

Time Surfer:"This is when Deoxys was small. We change her impression, it'll affect the present."

Zeraora:"But what about Melmetal?"

Glaceon:"He's a strong guy, he'll be OK."

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