Chapter 5

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"Welcome to your first flying lesson!" Madam Hooch said to the group of first year students.

Mia smiled as she saw Jason's excited grin.

"Let's begin, shall we? Go ahead and step up to the left side of your broomstick."

After everyone did as told, the Instructor nodded.

"Stick your right hand over the broom and say up."

All the kids began saying that word at the same time, which made Mia frown.

"So noisy..."

She turned her head to look at her friend.

"Up!" Sage said, narrowing her eyes at the broom that was still on the ground.

"I guess you won't become a Quidditch player, then," Mia grinned.

"Oh, shut it. You're not even trying."

She raised an eyebrow at her, then looked down at the broom next to her feet, sticking her hand out.

"Up," she commanded calmly.

Not even a second after she said that, the broom was already in her hand.

"Huh, interesting," Mia glanced back at her with a smile.

"Show-off," Sage scoffed, turning back to her broom.

Mia let out a light chuckle, then she took a look around to see how the other kids were doing.

James Potter already had his broom in his hand and so did a few other kids, including her friend, Jason. Their eyes met, and after seeing that Mia had the broom in her hand as well, he broke out in a grin, nodding at her proudly.

After all the kids managed to get their brooms in their hands, Madam Hooch spoke up again.

"Alright! Once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Make sure to grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end."

Mia mounted her broom while making sure to follow all of her instructions correctly.

"I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down."

The girl narrowed her eyes a little as she memorized all of the things Madam Hooch said.

"On my whistle: three, two..."

After she blew the whistle, all the kids attempted to do as they were told.

"Very good, Mr Potter," Madam Hooch nodded at the young boy.

"Mr Bennett, you seem very excited, but don't fly any higher just yet, stay close to the ground for now."

"Come on, Ms Zamora," she stepped in front of Sage. "It's not that difficult, try a little harder."

Madam Hooch turned her attention to Mia, offering her a smile.

"Excellent work, Ms Malfoy. Very steady, keep this up!"

The girl nodded at her, then she moved along.

After giving feedback to everyone, she walked back to her original spot and the class continued on with them learning about the basics of flying.

At the end of the class, Madam Hooch blew her whistle again.

"Okay, that's all for today's lesson. We'll continue from here next time."

Some of the kids left the scene as quickly as they possibly could. Mia and Sage were about to do the same when someone called after her, making her turn around.

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