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Your stared into nothingness, people passing by as you stood in front of the airport motionlessly.


He's gone.

As hard as it was for you to believe, Jimin left Korea.

Your fairy left you, just like you left him so many times before.

A small sigh escaped your lips when you lifted your head slowly, watching the clouds above your head being tinted in the orange light of the setting sun.

There was a cool breeze messing up your hair, drying the tears on your cheeks. You smiled.

So... that's what it feels like, huh?


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Jimin leaving was like a wake up call. 

Or, no- more like a punch in the gut.

Because, what you learned through his leave was not only the fact that you were madly in love with him, but also something, that was even more important than that. Something that seemed a bit harsh for you to admit.

First your father, then Taemin and then Jimin... maybe you needed to learn not to rely on others to make decisions for you and take matters in your own hands first.

You'd let your dad and later on Taemin rule over your mind and even Jimin had been someone you'd relied on more than yourself.

But not anymore. If Jimin ever decided to come back to you, you wanted him to see a strong, happy girl.

And that's why you eventually did take matters in your own hands.

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