Chapter 2: Ghosts in Beacon

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Yelling: BOLD
Whispering: Bold
Talking: Bold
Radio: Bold
(Non-violent action): (knock)/ (high five)

(POV Y/n)

(TimeSkip 3 hours)

I looked out the window and noticed that we were getting close to Beacon, I tapped on James' leg, he woke up and looked out the window, he lightly kicked both Damien and Ryoto's feet waking them up, we all got up and ready to start a life here, once the chopper landed we all got out and made sure we had everything, once we were all good James gave a thumbs up to the pilot who nodded and flew off, we began to walk towards the main building, as we were walking we had met up with Ozpin who is standing at a whopping 6'6, next to him was a blonde woman who stood around 5'10

Ozpin: I see you five finally arrived, please follow us to your rooms

Ozpin walked into the building as we followed behind, we walked down the hallway past many students who seemed shocked that we were here, after walking for a bit we stopped at the dorms

Ozpin: since we have spare rooms which we usually use for the festival, you all will each get a room to yourself, just make sure you keep it clean for inspection

Matt: a room to ourselves, wow haven't had that in a while

Blonde: do you not have private quarters in the military?

Y/n: not all no, we all shared a room, the captains and higher-ups get private quarters but not us, by the way, we never got your name Ms...?

Glynda: Glynda Goodwitch, I will be your combat teacher

Ryoto: combat teacher...I don't think we will need one of those

James slapped Ryoto in the back of the head

James: show the lady some respect, you never know when you'll need more training

Ozpin: feel free to settle in, your classes will start tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your day

With that, Ozpin and Glynda had left, we all went into a room each and had set up our beds and any personal items we brought with us, after I finished setting up my stuff a knock at my door had caught my attention, I looked at the door to see Matt leaning against

Y/n: what can I do for ya?

Matt: me and the boys are gonna go have a look around the school, get our bearings ya know, wanna come with?

Y/n: yeah sure, should I get changed?

Matt: nah, we'll worry about outfits tomorrow

Y/n: fair enough

I walked out of my room with Matt, as the rest of us began to walk around the school, we found where the cafeteria was which is a good thing, we found where a training room was, knowing James he would be there 70% of the time, we got to know a lot about the school, as we were walking we heard what sounded like an excited a scream and we all looked at each other and looked in the direction of the scream, without even batting an eye , a blur had zoomed straight towards us, and before any of us could react, I was knocked to the ground, I looked at my tackler and to my surprise was a girl wearing black skirt and long sleeve top, with a red cape on her back and black hair with red tips, I recognized her as one of the girls on Ms. Schnees team before I could say something, I heard someone scream

????: RUBY!!!

The guys and I looked in the direction of the other scream only to see Weiss storming over, she grabbed Ruby and pulled her off me allowing me to get up, when I did, Weiss gave her an earful

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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