super jewy test

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

the bell of last period rang and every child cheered. they gathered their things, shoved it into their bags and stormed out the room - excitement buzzing out of them.

"so there's this church full of jews right?" edward kaspbrak explained, "and stan has to take this super jewy test."

edward kaspbrak. he hated his name so he went by eddie. he was an extreme germaphobe due to his overprotective mother's actions.

the four had just walked out of their last period, summer had begun.

"but how does it work?" william denbrough quizzed.

william denbrough. he goes by bill but everyone wonders where the 'b' came from. bill was know for his stutter which formed during a car crash when he was younger. however, the disappearance of his younger brother, georgie, made it worse.

"they slice the tip of his dick off." eddie shrugged.

"yuck!" his twin sister, ocean kaspbrak, gagged.

ocean kaspbrak. the younger-by-9-minutes twin sister of eddie. they were complete opposites. where he was loud, she was quiet. where he was afraid of germs, she didn't care and so on. matching her name, ocean loved water and swimming - being at the beach in general.

"but then stan will have nothing left." richard toizer joked.

richard toizer. when he was younger, ocean would tell him he had an old man name so he shortened it to richie. he was known for being a trashmouth as he could never keep his mouth shut and always said foul things.

"that's true!" the smaller boy agreed.

their curly-haired friend began running towards them, "wait up, you guys!"

once he reached them, he took ocean's place, leaving her to trail behind.

"hey, stan, w-what happens at the bar mitzvah anyway?" bill turned to his best friend, "ed says they slice the t-tip of your d-d-dick off."

richie turned around and quickly joined ocean's side, "yeah and i think the rabbi's gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say 'where's the beef?'."

the four managed to laugh at their loud friend's remark.

"at the bar mitzvah, i read from the torah, and then i make a speech and suddenly, i become a man." stanley uris informed them.

stanley uris. his father was the local sinagouge's rabbi so he was expected to be heavily jewish. stan was a very methodical and mature person, particularly about keeping clean - he suffers from OCD.

"seems too easy." ocean chimed.

"i could think of funner ways to become a man." richie grinned.

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