Chapter 9: What is this clownery

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"Krill!? Ashley!?" I call out

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"Krill!? Ashley!?" I call out. Both of them run out hand in hand. "Where have you guys been?" Sam asks them. "We were stuck in the bathroom." "We weren't doing anything." Ashley and Krill say at the same time. "Hinckley is dead." "Oh, god!" "Yeah we got to move now. We gotta get to the warehouse." "Um about that. Lenjamin, he had the key card." "And you're only telling us this now." "I just thought another solution would pop up." "The last thing I said to my mom was fuck you." I slide down the wall. "Don't get mad at her." Krill pleads. "I'm sure as hell getting mad at her!" "Dad was right! All these monsters, these nightmares, and we paid for it. And now it's going to kill us."

"Speaking of." I look down the hall and the Red person is there. "Oh, fuck." "Come on!" Dax holts me up and we all run. We go into a room and block off the door. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. These barrels are rigged to blow!" "Up the ladder!" Sam tells us. "You don't go upstairs in a fucking scary movie!" "You do when you're in a dungeon." "Just go up there!" I tell him.

We all climb out and realised we're in Clown Town. "Not good. Not good. Not good." "Krill, calm down. There's no one even here. We're ok." I look at one of the cardboard cutouts and the hands are moving. "This is not good." Clowns started coming up from random places. "What do we do? What are the rules?" "There's not rules with clowns! They'll cut your throat, make a balloon animal, and shit in your mouth. They don't care!" "It was really nice knowing you guys for all these years." The power turns off and then on, all the clowns are in front of us and closer. "We are so fucked."

"Do you hear something?" Us and including the clowns look at the door and see the zombies from earlier. "Zombies." Dax and Krill say at the same time. "Oh my god." Zombies and Clowns start fighting, the zombies are obviously winning. "Let's move!" Then we see zombie Lenjamin. "Lenjamin?" "Ashley! No! What is she doing?" "Got it!" She got the key from his neck, but he sticks his hand through her. She manages to toss the key to Krill. "We gotta go." We run out of there.

"The yellow warehouse just like she said." "We made it. Let's get inside, hack the door, and get the hell out of here!" We get inside and the guy from the trap is in here. "Hey. You got out of there. That's great!" "You son of a bitch!" Sam charged up to him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Can we save kicking my ass until we get out of here? I know where the door is. I-I can't get it open. You need a key card or something." "Which we have."

"Enter security code." The robotic voice said. "Can you do it?" "Yeah. I can hack it. I just need a second." Sam, Dax and I look around and spot some merch. "Hey. Check it out." "Don't jinx it please." I hear a woman laugh. "Did you guys hear that?" I ask. There was a woman on the truck. "Krill?" "Yeah, I'm almost there. Just wait." "Krill!" We turn our heads to him. "I got it. Just one more second!" We turn out heads back and she's right in front of us. "Krill!" "What! Hey. It's cool. It's cool. I know her." "He does know she's a vampire right?" I ask Sam. "Run! Ah!" The vampire bites Krill in the neck. She hisses with blood coming out of her mouth. Sam and Dax go to Krill. I grab a shovel break it and stab the vampire in the heart making her lean on the hood of the truck.

"It didn't have to be a wooden stake." "Seems to do the trick just fine. See you in hell, bitch." I twisted the stake and she dies. "Its going to be ok, alright?" "No don't say that. Th-That usually means I'm dead." "We need you! The virgin always survives, right?" "Then- then I guess I'm a dead man." Krills last words. "Until we meet again, Krill." I close his eyelids.

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