Chapter 16

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Raven's P.O.V

There are only three more days until Sunday, my wedding day.

Each and every day feels like forever before it actually ends, it feels like there aren't just 24 hours anymore, there's way more.

I was waiting in the living room for someone. Ryder had invited his best friend over so she could attend the wedding.

Her name is Zara.

It does make me feel a bit sad that his best friend is a girl. I'm not saying guys and girls can't be friends it's just that I've read a lot of books where the best friends fall in love.

But I'm sure Ryder doesn't like her or he wouldn't have told me to say yes to this marriage.

Wait, what if they do like each other?

Ryder and Zara?




It's Raven and Ryder, nothing else, just us two.


The doorbell ringing breaks me away from my thoughts, I guess she's here. Walking up to the door and opening it to see a decent looking girl.

Pft, I have no competition, I was way prettier than her.

Ugh. I'm so rude, that wasn't nice of me. I apologise to her internally, not wanting to say it out loud and confuse the poor soul.

"Hello," I smile at her.

"Will you let me in?" She asks, quite rudely, looking me up and down in utter disgust.

My face falls and I look at her in shock, why was she talking to me like that?

"Excuse me?" I ask her.

"Let me in, why are you making me wait outside?" she says, using her same bitchy tone.

There's no way in hell, she's going to disrespect me in my own house.

Internal apology rescinded.

Calling her a poor soul, also rescinded.

I smirk at her, "excuse me Ms. bitchy, but maybe you're forgetting that you're in my house and don't try to ever disrespect me here. I don't give two flying shits if you're Ryder's friend, don't come here being rude to me when I did nothing to you."

She glares at me, her eyes slightly widening. Looking me up and down with her beady brown eyes, she storms past me. Into my house!

"Hey! Get the fuck out of my house right now before I drag you out by your hair," I scream at the top of my lungs.

I'm completely raged, blood pumping. What the hell!

Everyone rushes downstairs except the dads, probably wondering why I was screaming.

"Why are you yelling Rave-," Ryder stops mid-sentence when his eyes fall onto the bitch.

"Zara," he screams, pulling her into a hug.

"Ryder, I missed you so much, how have you been babe?" she asks, looking at me with a smirk on her ugly face.

She looks like the pug face Pansy Parkinson.

Actually, I shouldn't even say that, it was an insult to Pansy. She was way better than this bitch.

How fucking dare, she call my fiancé babe?

I look over to where Trisha and my mum were standing, they both looked utterly shocked and kind of angry.

Trisha looks at me and gives me a look that basically says, 'I'll handle it.' She walks over to them and pulls Zara out of Ryder's arms and into her own.

Journey of Love ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora