Free will vs Predetermination in a the light of Many Worlds QM

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According to Many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, each decision/event/etc causes reality to branch into every possible outcome and then you follow down the new branch which is now your reality. 

Many religions proffer that "god has a plan" "or all things are by the will of the one"; so this could be interpreted as some greater being has set the path upon which we travel through this ever changing tangle of branches, and so that all of our actions are predetermined by "gods plan."

Now science and observation, tend to believe that we progress forward by the choices we make and therefore by free will. If free will holds true, then there can be no plan. Just random chaos and no meaning.

WHAT IF, It were both?

Speculating that a being, which we "mere mortals" would refer to as a god would be very different than us and WHAT IF that or those beings could see all of the branches at once instead of being limited to seeing the one we are anchored in.

Now if "god" created all of this reality we find ourselves in and they also can see all of the possible branches, one could speculate that they/he/she/it also created all of the branches as well.

If so, then do we really have free will or just an near infinite number of choices which create the illusion of free will?

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