4: In Which She is on the Menu

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 4: In Which She is on the Menu


Erin was at her desk reading a magazine. She sat up straight when she saw me.

“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?” were the first words out her mouth.

I sat across her, crossing one leg over the other. “Because you deserve to be cut out of my life.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t be like that.” There was a grin on her face. “You have the look of someone who got laid good.”

“Your English is atrocious. No wonder you’re a photographer.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Fuck you.” She paused, winking at me. “So how was it, Jane?”

I blushed. “You can’t just do that to people, Er. I’m pretty sure there’s a law against shit like that.”

“Against what? Assisting a friend in receiving a sexual eruption?” She giggled. “I swear, Janelle, sometimes you act so…so pious! Like a nun who’s escaped a nunnery.”

I flung a ruler at her. She neatly dodged it, giggling loudly.

“Seriously, Er. That wasn’t cool. At all,” I said soberly, giving her my darkest look.

Erin had the grace to blush. “But…you had fun, right?”

I felt my face heat up as well. “You could say that.”

“And will you see Mr. Rochester again?”

I bit my bottom lip. “Probably not. Actually, definitely not.”

Erin sighed in defeat. “So you can return to fúcking your bisexual best friend? Nell, I don’t have to get a PhD to know how unhealthy that is.”

“I didn’t say anything about Prince,” I protested, holding my hands up. “I hardly think that…that so-called book club is healthy, either. In fact –”

“It’s just sex, sweetheart. If something comes from it – like Harry and me – then awesome. But if not, at least you got it good, right?”

I thought about how happy she'd been with her ex. “I guess so.”

“Good. Now run off into the world, my little sexually awakened bunny rabbit.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

That afternoon, I had to dash out to the scene of a gas explosion at a clothes factory. No fatalities had been reported, although there were a few major injuries like third-degree burns and the like. It wasn’t much of a story but at least it was something.

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