is it betrayal?

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Such a pretty little pawn....she could be useful to me

I had been having this uneasy feeling for this past few days, ever since my last session with Park Jimin. Something about him scares me out of my wits, yet I can't stop thinking about him. To me, he is a man who has been misunderstood and hurt all his life. It's too late to save him, but why not play his game?

I will get him out, but that doesn't mean I won't send people out after him.

And even as I think this, a part of me says no, that it's wrong to betray him like that. That I'd pay if I did something like that. But as misunderstood as he is, he'd send the city into chaos if he was let loose.

I stopped in front of his door, startled to see him standing at the door, already staring again.

"Ahh, you've been thinking about me." He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes, unlocking the door and stepping inside. As soon as the door closed, his hand was around my neck, and his other hand pinned me against the door. He leaned close to me, while I tried my best to remain calm.

"I know you're hiding something. Spit it out of that pretty little mouth." His eyes never left my lips, as if he was expecting me to give in. I erased my previous plan.

"I have nothing against you and nothing to hide." I said confidently. He studied me for a few long seconds before squeezing my throat until I could barely breathe.

"You see, I'm not fooled so easily." His grip on my throat never loosened.

"I...I s-swear I-I'm telling t-the truth!" I forced out.

"Hmph." He let go of my throat and I fell to the floor, gasping for air, "Do not underestimate me, Yeji."

He grabbed my arm, pulling me up. "Take me to the ECT room." He demanded, grabbing my key card and letting it zip back into place.

I internally panicked. The ECT room? What the hell does he need that for?! Obviously he's not gonna shock himself, so...?

I had no choice.

I led him through the halls towards the room he asked for, growing more and more afraid the closer we got.

I swiped my key card to unlock the room and he followed me in, bolting the door and shutting the shade behind him. He turned to me, his crazy smile resting on his face, his eyes full of excitement and dark pleasure.

"Lay down, Dr. Kang. Make yourself comfortable." He pointed to the medical chair in the middle of the room.

I slowly walked towards it, my eyes never leaving his.  I laid on the chair and seconds later his face appeared above mine.

"What are you gonna do, Mr. Park? You gonna kill me?" I tried to be confident even though I was freaking out.

"What?" He laughed maniacly, " Oh I won't kill ya, I'm just gonna hurt ya....really....really.....bad."

"You think you can hurt me? Whatever you do I can take it." I was doing my best to convince myself that.

"Yea?" He set something next to me, seemed like a strap from what I could tell.

"We wouldn't want you to crack that pretty little smile of yours when the juice hits your brain, now would we?" His voice was growing closer after being far away for a few minutes.



Oh shit.

"Wait, but I did everything you asked and I-" He stuffed the strap in my mouth, waving his little but vicious hand at my panicked, widened eyes.

"3....2.....1" He put the shockers on both sides of my head and held them there.

For what felt like hours, all I felt was immense pain. I screamed and screamed while he laughed at my pain. My screaming did nothing but bring him more pleasure. The walls were soundproof and he knew that. My body arched and jolted at the electric waves running through my veins. At some point, I felt the shocking stop. He looked at me as if to ask with his eyes if I was dead yet. Or maybe that wasn't his goal.


"Don't call me Jimin."

And the shockers were back.

"This is why you don't betray serial killers, Kang Yeji."


I woke up a few hours later, still on the medical chair. Jimin was silently staring at me, waiting for movement. He stood up abruptly when he saw me stirring.

"How do you feel, princess?" He helped me sit up the chair, however I fell into his rock hard chest.

"I feel a little different." I rubbed my eyes.

He chuckled. "That wasn't even the worst of it."

He pulled me up and walked me back to his room. "Until next time."

I stumbled back to my office, searching for my things.

"Yeji! Are you ok?! Oh my god, that horrible man! We saw the cameras, I'm so sorry we couldn't get in, no matter how hard we tried!" He rambled.

I laughed softly. "It's ok, Jin hyung. I'm ok, really."

"You're ok?! Yeji, he fried your brain! You're not ok!" He exclaimed.

I sighed but went to give the older man a reassuring hug.

"You're going to see him again, aren't you?!" Jin pulls away from the hug.

I sighed. "I have to, Jin hyung. He's my patient and he needs my help."

"Needs your help?! Yeji, he just tried to kill you! He doesn't need anything more from you!"

"He wasn't trying to kill me. And I made him a promise, so I have to keep it."

Jin eyed me warily. "Yeji, don't dig yourself too far into something already way over your head. Especially for a serial killer like him."

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