Part 1: Welcome

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Hello readers, its such a pleasure having you here. Do you like this picture I found of a red beach? It's very calming, i wish i felt this way all the time, but life does not work that way for us now does it? It's almost impossible to acheive a zen mindset when we have to deal with unessesary bullshit throughout life, not only in the phyical world, but online too where we originally went to for peace and a sense of purpose and well being. HAAA!
it didnt take long for the universe to say "SIKE BITCH" and literally show us a fat example of the real world on STEROIDS. I mean.. its quite easy to piss a whole lot of people off when you're sitting at home not having to show your face to your target or audience in general, right?

This brings us to the first specific example of what i absolutely cannot stand.

THE OVER USE OF POPULAR INTERNET "TERMS" and completly ruining the true meanings.

I bet you've seen the term "Simp" being thrown at random people online, right? Does anyone even know the term? Well let me explain it before i share my reason for hating it so much these days:
"Simp" is a term used to describe mostly a Man (Not sure if it applies to women too) that treats women like royalty for the soul purpose of getting laid or just at least having company. THAT is a simp.
BUUUT of bloody COURSE skinny dicked donkeys gotta over-use that shit and direct this term towards men who defend a woman online (and irl too) in a mature and logical sense, NOT because he wants something, and unfortunatly he gets attacked for showing basic human decency because he hurt the ego of a bunch of women hating nobs.

Guys and girls, this is not just a one time incident that happens to people, if you use social media enough, you'll know how easy it is to come accross such toxicity similar to this (Which is usually excused as a joke. ha ha. im dying over here.)
There are even actual pages on reddit dedicated to exposing such stupidity.
My example was far from the worst of it too. So many terms and sayings are getting filtered out of wack. it is very irritating to see many people get degraded because of overusage of a meme or whatever.

Alright, im done for now. I hope you all sleep well tonight and are healthy. I know it's tough this year but we will get through this fuckery.

Things I absolutely can't STANDWhere stories live. Discover now