runaway • a.i.

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After escaping a traumatic past, Taylor moved to Seattle to try and get a fresh start and forget about it. It was simply time to move forward from it.

Because of her past, she's the type to demand respect and never let someone push her around. Luke looks after her as best as he can, him now being the only family she really has.

On an exceptionally rainy Tuesday night at a Starbucks in the middle of January, Taylor meets Ashton, and he's nothing that she expected at first.

She can't read him like she can most people; he's different. and she's not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing. She wants to keep her guard up, but Ashton is so tempting with his charismatic demeanor. Deep down she knows she wants to be happy, but she doesn't know how to find her happiness.

Ashton wants to be her happiness; Taylor just has to let him.

Runaway - Ashton Irwin *completed*Where stories live. Discover now