Peck on the cheek

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I woke up, still sleepy from last night. Eric was across from me, still sleeping. I moved a bit so I could get a better view of him.
His hair was all over the place and it looked seriously cute. His face was rid of any emotion, unlike the Eric I knew. He looked so calm, and so peaceful. I laid back down and started tracing shapes on his muscular back.
Eventually I got tired, and hugged him to go back to sleep.
"Morning." Eric said, in his deep morning voice. I guess I woke him up.
I responded by snuggling even closer to his back and moaning.
"Mm, I don't want to get up. I like it here with you." I said, too comfortable to go back to my cabin.
Eric turned around so that he was facing me. "I do too, but I've got a meeting soon with Max."
I groaned and gently pushed off his chest, out of his arms and pulled on my clothes and shirt.
"What?" Eric complained. "I liked you better like that."
I shook my head. "You've got an important meeting. You better go before you get late, m'kay?"
Eric got up drowsily.
"Lets go to my apartment where we can change." He told me.
I nodded in agreement as he led me to the stairs. We climbed down quickly, jumping most of them and landed on his floor fast.
After getting in his apartment, I changed into one of his shirts and tucked it in like before. I took a shower and got ready. Eric came out of his room, with his dauntless leader formal attire and his hair was all gelled up and ready.
"Go, your training will start soon." He said. "Good luck!"
"What will I do in training?" I asked, a bit nervous
Eric sighed. "I shouldn't be telling you, but you're doing fear landscape training.
"Terrific." I replied in a sarcastic voice. I went over to Eric and pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you for the present by the way." I touched the diamond and smiled and left the room.

Tommorrow would be the final rankings. I was scared, but I should be fine. I was in the top ten which was pretty good. I was more scared for Arielle to be honest. She was just above the line, what if something happened and she didn't make it?
I joined the training room and caught up with Landon and Arielle.
"Where were you?!" Arielle asked. "We were getting tattoos!"
I sighed, I would have some explaining to do.

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