Chapter 8

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"Bitchhh ima beat yo assss!!" I scream as I chase after Milo.


So you see what had happen was, Milo fugly butt had woke me up out of my little nap. If it was just a little tap or shake I wouldn't be as mad, buttttt he dumped a whole bucket of water on me!!

So yea, I'm pretty mad.

Devin walks out of her room.

"Guys it is too early for this, what's going on?" She groans.

Milo runs behind Devin and uses her as a shield,"She's crazy!"

"Whoa, your hair." Devin points out.

My hair is puffed up and is starting to shrink up.

"Thank your lil friend right there for pouring water on me" I yell.

She giggles.

I pull my phone out and look at the time.

I nearly groan out loud.

"We have to be at school in 20 minutes!"I say.

I won't have time to fix my hair!

"I'm going to try and fix it and put on my clothes" I quickly say while running to Devins' bathroom.

"Ok ima make us something to eat" Devin says.

I'm pissed to the fucking T.

My hair is in a huge puff with one measly hair tie and any wrong move, it will snap.

"It's ok everything will go well today, don't let a little bad her mishap ruin it hun." Devin says and gives me a hug.

"Yea chill outtt" Milo breathes out.

I give him a death glare.

"Ok bye!!" Then he runs off.

Devin laughs.

"Alright ima see you later boo" I say as I give her a hug.

She waves and we separate.

As I'm walking to class I spot Dallas being surrounded by 3 females.

He looked uncomfortable.

They are touching his arm and putting they nasty selves of him.

Before I know it I'm already walking towards him.

The girls look at me with a look of disgust when they spot me.

I walk up to Dallas and wrap my arm around his bicep. "Hi, do you ladies need anything?" I question.

Dallas tenses you and his stoic face looks at me.

One girl has a look of disbelief and steps forward,"What do you think you're doing?" She says.

"What do you mean? You came up to MY man." I state.

They look shocked.

"YOUR man?!" They say together.

I let go of his bicep to wrap my arms around his waist. "Yep, this is my man, so y'all can scoot along and go on ahead and fix your lipstick because I can see a lil bit of your last hookup mixed in." I say.

She covers her mouth and they all scatter away.

Dallas then removes his body from me and bumps into the wall.

I look at him like he was crazy only to see him trying to disappear into the wall.

"Yo you good?" I ask.

"Yea, you didn't have to do that I had it under control." He whispers while turning a light shade of red.

"I'm going to the bathroom" he mutters then walks away.

I look after him then shrug.

"Class we have a new student today, this is Marshall." Mr. Thomas announces.

Hot damnnn.

Now that right there is some spicy white chocolate.

His smirk and his body. Oh yes he can get it.

Marshall walks to the back to where I sit and takes a seat next to me.

"Hey, I'm Marshall, what's yours?" He whispers.

"Im Liyana" I giggle.

Oh shit I giggled.

An obnoxious cough ruins us from continuing.

We turn around to see Dallas glaring at us both.

"People are trying to learn so if you both could please shut it that would be great." He grits out.

Marshall laughs.

"You're even more grouchy at school huh Dallas?" He says.

I look between the both of them.

"Y'all know each other?" I question.

"Oh wow my heart Dallas? You haven't talked about me?" Marshall clutches his heart in mock hurt.

Dallas rolls his eyes.

"This boy right here, is my best friend, but I can tell he doesn't think so" Marshall fake cries.

"He has friends?" I say in shock.

Dallas starts giving me a death glare that sent chills through my body.

"What is that suppose to mean?" He says.

"Well I thought yo grouchy ass was lonely since you always mad at the world." I sass.

"I'm not grouchy" he rumbles out.

"Yes you are" me and Marshall say together.

Dallas rolls his eyes.

Hiyaaaa guys, I hope you liked this chapter and I would like for y'all to stay and read more.

I decided that I'm going to update every 8 days so keep in touch☺️

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