Part I

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A/N: First off, I would just like to start this story off with a small disclaimer. Despite the description implying sexual content, this story will not be going into details and will otherwise not be as smutty as you may presume so please stop reading if that's what you're looking for lol. I just wanted to note that so you will not be disappointed but continue on if you're interested even if only slightly! :D Also before reading, I should mention first that there's a longer version so if you think that'd appeal to you more, it's called "initial".

Important note: There is a French translation of this story for those who'd prefer it which is translated by Ateez-Wemba and can be found on their profile!

"Jee Sun Hee is a total slut."
Even though I saw those words plastered all over the bathroom stalls everyday, I was still surprised. I couldn't really understand why so many people cared enough about me to write my name so often. It's like I'd always hear my name in someone's mouth no matter what. Granted, sometimes it was in the hallways and other times it was in the bedroom. Either way, I'll admit I really liked the sound of people saying my name. So you'd understand my frustration when people suddenly wiped my name off their tongue and replaced it with the name "Choi San". Of course it's inevitable for the new kid to create some buzz around the school, but I didn't expect for people to forget me so easily. Just last week I had shocked everyone when news spread of me fucking the hottest guy at school, Park Seonghwa. Now all of a sudden that meant nothing. I guess everyone's just the same, they lose interest once something else comes along.

I was staring again at my name that was right next to the word "slut" on the dingy bathroom door. I couldn't help but smile at the weak attempt of someone trying to hurt my feelings. Whoever it was is too afraid to say it to my face. They're a coward. And I can't be scared of someone who runs away so easily.

When I left the bathroom, no one even looked at me when I walked by. I wasn't used to the lack of attention. That San guy was really pissing me off even though I had no idea who he was. All the girls giggled at his name and the boys watched, confused as to why they were all so attracted to him. Who was Choi San? And why wasn't he under me yet?

Classes were going by fast and there was no sign of the mystery boy anywhere. I was already getting bored knowing that he was just a normal guy that people were most likely hyping up just because he was a new face. By tomorrow no one will even mention the name again. All the girls will shift their focus back to Seonghwa and all the guys will come crawling back to me.

But, even Seonghwa was feeling threatened that he'd lose his position of popularity. Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand during lunch and brought me to the school's rooftop. There were a few other students eating, minding their own business. He had looked at everyone before staring back at me. Without a warning he brought his lips to mine, our eyes both still opened. When he let go, the students were still eating and still minding their own business. I could tell how frustrated Seonghwa was getting.

In all honesty, it made no sense to me why people cared so much that he and I hooked up. I guess it was the shock factor of an attractive guy being with an average girl. He knew that it would cause a commotion. He wanted to do whatever it took to surprise everyone and I just so happened to be the perfect puzzle piece for him to fit into his life. Sure, he could've gotten anyone. But, I was easy enough for him to use, and everyone knew that. So I'm questioning again, why were people so shocked?

Oh, that's right. It's because he had just broken up with his girlfriend of 3 years who was not only the top of our class, but also the prettiest girl at school by far. People absolutely adored her. And compared to her, I was considered rock bottom. Even though I was well known, I was certainly not well liked. Yet, I didn't really feel as much hostility as you'd think. Girls would treat me kindly than talk behind my back and guys would just lie to me so I would sleep with them. I didn't care what they did though. I already knew their intentions.

Seonghwa sighed loudly next to me, ruining my train of thoughts.

"Wanna come by my house later?" he asked, clearly implying what he wanted me to come over for. Of course I didn't say no and it quickly became silent after I agreed. We didn't talk to each other much. It was unspoken but obvious that we were both just using each other. I didn't really know the reason why he broke up with his girlfriend, and I didn't really care enough to ask. He didn't care about my life either, not knowing a single thing about me besides my first name. But, even though I knew nothing, I sensed that his break up was really damaging him. But hey, it's not my job to cheer him up.

In most circumstances, I didn't like having sex with the same guy twice. Even the term, "friends with benefits" seemed like too much commitment for me. Because it always ends with one person falling for the other eventually and that thought disgusted me. But, I knew Seonghwa wasn't that type of guy. I knew it the moment he called out for his ex-girlfriend when he finished the first time. He apologized but I was actually happy that he did. I was nothing more than a rebound for him, and that's all I wanted. He's not a bad guy and he most certainly wasn't ugly, but I still couldn't imagine myself falling for him. That's why we were perfect for each other. Our toxicity was mutual.

When I got to his house, the whole thing was just mediocre. But, there was definitely something occupying both our minds when we did it.

"Have you met San yet?" he asked me while cleaning up.

"You were thinking about him this whole time? Do you have a crush or something?"

"I was just wondering why everyone was so obsessed with him."

In reality, we were both obsessed with San too. We couldn't help but think about how great of an impression he made on the school. Maybe he wouldn't necessarily be forgotten so easily as I thought.

"He's just this scrawny kid who grew up on a farm. Why are all the girls so crazy for him?"

I laughed at Seonghwa's envy and frustration. For years he had been bulking up just for a guy with a lean body to become the new standard. It was kind of sad if you thought about it too much. All his hard work on his appearance was being ignored just because he was old news. But, he can deal with that himself.

I was ready to pack up and leave until he grabbed my arm.

"If you see him, don't sleep with him, okay?"

"Why are you trying to tell me what to do?"

"Just don't, please."

His expression looked pained and for some reason I liked seeing it.

"How pathetic." I yanked my arm away and walked out the door. I already made up my mind that I was never going to sleep with him again.

The next day, San's name was still spreading like a wildfire. Girls were fighting over who should ask him out first and guys were skipping meals to get a body like his. It was around fourth period where everyone was getting ready for lunch when I finally saw what all the talk was about. He was sitting alone inside a random classroom and Seonghwa was right, San was just a plain-looking, scrawny boy. And everyone was making such a big fuss but no one even had the guts to start talking to him. Well, there was only one way for me to shift the attention.

I walked in and pulled a chair up against the front of his desk. He didn't hesitate to smile when I brought out my lunch. I already heard people whispering and I smiled, satisfied to have been put back onto the radar. His smile didn't disappear so I assume he thought I was smiling at him back. Up close, I'll admit he was better looking than I had thought upon first glance.

"Hi," he quietly mumbled. All of a sudden I could hear gasps and squeals. No one must have heard him speak before.

"Hey," I replied, not really paying attention to him.

"I'm San," he said, cheerfully.

"I know." You would assume when you first meet someone new, you introduce yourself, but for some reason, I didn't want him to know who I was. We ate our lunches awkwardly until time was over. I didn't see him for the rest of the day.

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