Another quirk idea (not a chapter)

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Here I am again with a new quirk idea.

Hear me out... it's called...

Dance off.

When activated, Dance off causes music to come from nowhere and forces people within 100 feet to dance with the user.

It does not matter if it is an animal, robot, monster, or human, they will be forced to dance with the user.

The user can attack their victims as long as it is a dance move and it fits to the beat of the song.

drawbacks: no one is immune to the dance off, meaning that heroes who get caught will be dancing. If a person is both deaf AND blind, they will not be affected. If you break the beat, everyone will fall out of the trance.

another thing is, is that you can't keep up the dance off forever. you will get tired, after all.

Story: (y/n) is aspiring to be a professional dancer. One day, he/she gets caught in the middle of a villain attack, which gives him/her no choice but to use their quirk to distract the villains, ceasing damage to property and injuries to civilians.

After his/her display of heroism, he/she is offered a chance to go to UA.

While this wasn't his/her ideal future, he/she decides that taking this course may give him/her more opportunities to practice dance.

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