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Brielle POV

After our very electric moment, we walked back to Auradon Prep smiling and arm in arm as we did when we came out here in the first place. While we didn't want to, we separated ways after he walked me back to my dorm, not before giving me a light kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. Once I locked myself in my room and recollected myself from all of that and processed what had just happened I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text from Ben from an hour ago, oops. It read,

Come to my office as soon as you can, I think I've discovered something

Cryptic, lovely. I also hadn't asked him about how his date with Mal went, oops again. Guess I can do that now since he's demanding a visit. I put my shoes back on and walked over to his office, knocking on the door and waiting for permission for entry,

"Come in!"

A cheery voice shouted. I took the knob and turned it and confidently walked in,

"You wished to speak with me?"

I said, trying to act over formal because my clothes spoke so differently. Ben looked up from sorting papers on his desk and paused as I shut the door,

"Bri... thats a unique outfit"

He said, somewhat disapprovingly but I ignored it,

"Yeah yeah at least I can actually have fun and creativity with what I wear, when do you not wear a suit?"

He acted overly offended,

"Geez Bri, straight for the jugular much? You just got here for crying out loud! Anyway, I went on my date with Mal yesterday"

He said with a dorky smile. I waited for him to continue, but he never did so I slowly started nodding,

"Cool, is that it?"

"No, I wanted to ask you when you went for your unplanned swim in the enchanted lake a few days ago, did you feel any-"

"Different after I came out? Yes, did you?"

I said with a bit of an excited smile, my theory was about to be proved right now,

"Yeah, I felt the same but less-"

"Giddy? Overly excited? To head over heels for your own good?"

Ben paused and looked at me, he knew I was onto something,

"What are you thinking Bri, have you picked something up? And who were you feeling that for?"

I smiled and crossed my arms,

"Harry Hook, and you just proved my theory correct. Ben, we were spelled"

He was taken aback,

"What? How? When?"

He asked urgently as he walked over to me,

"I have all the answers, we were poisoned on the same day, right before the big tourney game. We both had one of Mal's magical double chocolate chip walnut cookies. Not to mention she took it away from me once I had a bite, asked me how I felt a lot, felt super giddy and shy suddenly. The only answer I dont have for you is, why?"

I said, slowly becoming more serious. Ben took a second to think before having an idea, I was hopeful for a second that my big hearted yet sometimes not the smartest brother had an idea I hadn't had,

"Maybe they had crushes on us and we seemed unobtainable because of our statuses!"

He said with excitement. I was immediately deflated, it wasn't impossible but I couldn't see that being the reason,

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