Chapter 194

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Blinking a few times in confusion, I finally got off the bed and ran downstairs to open the door to the house as I was told. But the moment I did so, my eyes widened in surprise when I saw the person behind it.

"Hey, Kiddo!"

"Sirius!" I gasped and then leaped forward, hugging him. I quickly pulled away, staring at him in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited, of course." He winked at me, making me chuckle. I still couldn't believe he was here.

"Hello, brother." Turning around, we saw my dad walking down the stairs and into the living room.

But before Sirius could greet him, our attention was caught by the sound of footsteps coming downstairs.

"Who was it?" We heard my mother's voice say.

But the moment she stepped down and saw Sirius standing by the door, her eyes widened in shock, as if she couldn't believe her eyes.

"S-sirius?" she said in a hollow voice after a few seconds of staring at him, frozen on the spot.

"Surprise!" said Sirius, grinning handsomely.

"But — how — when —" she then turned to face my dad, but then looked at me in horror.

By what Dad had told me, my mother knew about the Wizarding world and about Sirius. But of course she still thought I was unaware of the whole thing. But then again, she still had no idea that I was sent to the past either.

"It's okay, Mum. I know," I said, but she went even paler at those words.

"I'll explain everything to you tomorrow, Lisa, I promise," said Dad, smiling. "But we have a guest now. It's rude to keep him waiting."

"My thoughts exactly!" said Sirius cheerfully, walking in and looking around with amusement.

"I — I'll go set the dinner table," Mum muttered, going to the kitchen to cope with her shock alone and probably to try and calm herself down.

"It's a good place you've got here, Reg," said Sirius, gazing around the house. "Never knew you had it in you."

When we were in the dining room for dinner, none of us really said anything as we ate our food. Mum was still trying to get over her shock and seemed at loss for words. But what seemed to surprise her more than Sirius showing up out of nowhere, was how I knew all about him.

"So, Sirius," she started, clearing her throat to break the awkward silence, "what are you up to these days? I don't think I've seen you in... years."

"Oh, I'm an Auror," said Sirius, smiling proudly. But when he caught her staring at him in confusion, he said, "It's like Muggle police or investigators, only cooler." He chuckled at his own joke before clearing his throat. "So how about you two?"

"Well, I'm an art collector, and Roger here is a businessman," said Mum.

"Lisa, honey," Dad started quietly, leaning toward her, "Lexi knows my real name."

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