Chapter 2: First Lesson

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Niall's P.O.V.

Scrolling through the options of tv shows to watch, I sighed. Theres nothing good to watch. I would've settled for one of those gossip shows but all they talk about are lies. But sometimes it can be enteratining. Just not when its about me or the lads. All they say is rubbish.

My phone beeped, signaling I got a message. I took out my phone from my pocket and unlocked it. I've never seen this number before. I read the message, a small smile slowly creeping onto my face.

From: Unknown

'Hey! I found your website and I really want to learn how to play the guitar. Please help me! :)'

I jumped up. Finally! Someone found the link! I have always wanted to teach someone how to play the guitar. I was hoping the first time I would teach somebody would be my children in the future or a girl I liked.

I instantly texted back. Turns out she is a girl and she wanted to practice at 5 and it was 4 by now. I don't think she knew what time it was which made me chuckle a bit. I agreed with it of course. I put my phone away and went into the kitchen to get a snack.

"Why are you smiling?" Harry asked me.

Wait, Im smiling? I didn't even know that I was smiling. I simply shrugged at him, hoping he would not tease me about it.

"Oh um, someone is coming over for a guitar lesson." I said.

"Its a girl. Isn't it." Louis said, a smile creeping on to his face.

"Yeah" I said looking down. I could feel my face getting redder by the second.

"Have you even met her yet?" Harry asked.

"Nope. Shes coming over at five so behave yourselves." I said.

"No promises." Louis said, smirking.

"Did you tell her who you are?" Harry asked.

"Yeah she knows my name." I said.

"No thats not what I meant. Did you tell her that you are Niall from One Direction?" He asked.

"No..." I said. I instantly felt guilty. She is going to hate me for not telling her before. What was I thinking?

"She is gonna freak out when she finds out." He said.

"Hopefully not." I said grabbing some oreos.

"Wait. Did you talk to Simon or Management about giving guitar lessons? I dont think they'll be okay with it." Liam said, worriedly.

Of course he'll be the one to worry about this. Hes always looking out for us but sometimes it can be a little to much. He needs to loosen up a bit and have some fun.

"Then they don't have to find out, do they?" I said.

He rolled his eyes and simply shook his head at me. I chuckled. I went back to my room and got ready for the lesson. I cleaned up my room a bit so Liz won't think I'm a mess. Once everything was ready I went downstairs and waited for her to come.

It was 4:50 when I heard a banging on the door. Well shes early.

"Let me in please! I'm suppose to have a guitar lesson here! Let me in quickly!" She yelled through the other side of the door.

Why does she want to come in here so quickly? Or maybe she's just really excited to learn how to play the guitar. Or even better, too see me. Ah Niall don't get your hopes up. You haven't even seen the girl yet. I opened the door and I was about to say hello to her but she came quickly inside without looking at me. Well, someones eager to come in. I chuckled and closed the door.

Niall Horan Is My Guitar Teacher?!? *editing*Where stories live. Discover now