Chp. 8

357 9 2

Third Person Pov:

Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco stood in the cortex thinking, until the an alarm went off.

"That means that someone is coming through a breech." Cisco said as he walked downstairs. Barry and Caitlin followed. The breech was open then Harry walked out. Cisco smiled and went over to hug him first.

"Hey man." Cisco said greeting Harry.

"Nice to see you too Ramon." Harry looks back at Barry and Caitlin, who are currently in each other's arms.

"I see that something happened between you too. *Whispers this part to Cisco* Is this the Snowbarry you were talking about a lot?"

Cisco chuckled, "Yeah."

Harry smirked at the couple and said, "Cool."

Barry and Caitlin stood there with confusion in their eyes. Cisco laughed and walked out the room.

"It's nice to see you Harry. It's been a while." Caitlin said with a smile.

Harry smiled back. "Yes it has been, Ms. Snow. How's things between you and Allen?"

Caitlin blushed at the question but Barry laughed and answered, "It's been good. But right now, a new meta-human on the case." Barry walked back to the cortex. Caitlin and Harry followed behind.

Harry stood to the side of Cisco and said, "What's this meta-human you speak of?"

Cisco sighed, "We don't know yet. Last thing the meta did was set off an electrical fire in a building."

"Oh wow. Well I'm here so there's no point of not helping." Harry said and placed a hand on Cisco's shoulder.

Caitlin looked through some stuff and found security cameras around the area.

"Guys, there's some footage." She said as she made the video show on the bigger screens. The video showed a speedster towards the building. As he was passing it, he threw some fire at it. The electricity that came off his hands also got on the building. That's how it exploded.

"Woah." was what Barry and Cisco said at the same time.

"It seems like he using the friction that he's creating as he runs to produce heat. And with oxygen, he makes the fire." Harry says as he observes.

Joe walks in as they continue to conversate.

"So his lighting is fused with the fire?" Barry asked.

"Yeah basically." Caitlin answered.

Joe spoke up, "Are you guys talking about the new meta?"

"Yeah. He's a speedster who can make fire." Barry briefly explained.

"Well that makes sense." Joe said.

"Has anything ever made sense?" Harry acknowledged. Everyone shook their heads while other said no and chuckled.

"Well when are we going to go after him?" Caitlin asked.

"Next time we catch him in the act. He's dangerous just like the others we have. We don't know how experienced he is with his powers, so we need to be ready." Barry said to the team.

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