Chapter 3 (Cuss warning)

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...Who was the fuck that bird lady?  Gonna ask Ry 'bout it later.  Who would want to steal those stupid apples anyways though?  Stop staring at meeeee ugh!

As I went down back to the ballroom, EVERY-FUCKING-BODY was watching me with their suspenseful eyes. Like, what did I do wrong THIS time?  After a long while, I got to Ry. "Hey um Ry," I asked, "Do you know what some girls turning into freaking bird-humans are?"  "Ivan! Are you drunk again?! I told you to not drink so much," he yelled. "Also, I don't know. Just go search it up or something! You do realize you have a bloody phone right?" 

So.. even my educated friend doesn't know.. what could she be? Maybe it's those h- h- h- what ever they are that Mom told me about when I was young. Might as well search it up like Ry said. 

After a *LONG* while of searching..

What the.. they are harpies... from the stories Mom told. (A/N: Ummm so that may not make any sense if you've read the webtoon.. I had to incorporate that into my story and they do kinda look like harpies sooooo.. yeah.) So maybe it was something from the other world?  Even if it was, why would they have to do ANYTHING with my family?  Whatever just go to sleep.

9 am the next day..



hey dude. Wake upppppp 


nuuuuu lemme sleeeepppppppp


dude, dont u want 2 c wut i found abt ur girl-human-bird thing?


just tell me here man


Nah. Come down 2 the park in 30





30 minutes later~

Thought he didn't know anything about her.  He's a good mate.  What time is it?  OH SH- Better go, don't need him yelling at me for being late for something that's for me again.  "Hey Ivan," Ry yelled about 10 metres away, "O'er here!" "Cominggg," I said as I walked over. Gawsh so pushy.  "So what'd you find out," I asked. "Well," Ry said slowly, "This is a lot of info, so I hope your peanut sized brain can take it in."


"Shhhhh. Be a good boy and listen." 


"So your bird-girl could be mythological character from Greek mythology called a harpy," Ry started. I know that.  "And they love stealing things, but from the behaviour you told me about her, it could be something else. Perhaps a fury working for a god." he said. "What does a god want to do with those stupid apples?" I asked. "It could have mistaken it for the Garden of Hera," Ry shrugged. "So you're telling me that Mom is a goddess? But it can't be, she DIED years ago. Gods don't die," I exclaimed. "I never said she is Ivan," Ry sighed, "That's it for today. I'm gonna go find out more and let you process this."  

"See ya later,"


Ok what? How could that have been some goddess' garden?  They're just stupid apples that nobody wants. Might as well go back to sleep. 

And that's when my dream got infested with so many random monsters...


Stay tuned for chapter 4~ (Uploads when I figure out what to write lol)

A/N: Sorry this took so longgg. It's hard writing a comic into a worded story 😭😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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