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Hi I'm Leila Hargreeves. I'm 17 years old and live in California. My best friend Anna Seavey (Yes THE Anna seavey) lives next door to me and has since we were both 3. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her.

We're both part of the 'Nerdy' group in school. We don't get in trouble, we do homework within 2 days and we are the 'teachers pets'. It's us 2 and our other friends Alex and Conner. Us 4 always get pushed around in the halls or judged by the other kids. The truth is I don't know how we got into this position and I don't know how we'll get out before graduation.
Graduation is still a year away but it will go by SO quickly.

Thing I like:
Dance, Music, Art, Drama and stuff active.

I know I sound like a popular cheerleader but I'm nothing like them and I don't want to be.

More about me:
I have anxiety, depression and get bullied A LOT. I go to pherepy and have for 2 years because I couldn't handle my depression.

My best friends Brother // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now