Glowing orange hair and silver wood stakes

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"If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again then brother, you can mark me as one of the maddest man to exist," - elijha please just marry me mikaelson

"If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again then brother, you can mark me as one of the maddest man to exist," - elijha please just marry me mikaelson

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The opaque blue water above her felt so close, as if she could reach her hands out and then climb out of the lake, but every time she raised her hands to get closer, it was like the water went higher. She felt a sharp pain in her eyes but she kept them open, trying to find an escape from the water.

She felt her head getting lighter, she was losing oxygen. She turned around in circles, trying to see if somehow she could get out. And just when her eyes were about to close, she saw someone.

Jessica saw something. A woman was swimming swiftly in the water, her body stretched like it was bending along with the waves. Her orange-colored hair with green stripes floated around her, radiating a faint white glow. Her long curled hair looked like it had small flowers and lights embedded into it, making her hair look magnificent under the water.

She couldn't make out much of the woman, her eyes were tired but one look into her green sparkling eyes was enough to let Jessica know that the woman wasn't human.

The woman tapped Jessica's shoulder, doing a signal pointing upwards with her hand. Jessica looked up at the water and tried to swim out of it again, only this time she was successful. Her head came out of the water and she was breathless. She let her eyes rest for a second before looking at where she was.

She then took a deep breath as she went back inside the water, looking for Sebastian. She looked around for a few seconds before her eyes darted towards a body, Sebastian, floating around near the top layer of the lake.

She swam towards him, thinking that he would be Unconscious by that time and she was again right. Her eyes started to pain again but she didn't shut them. She put her arm around Sebastian's shoulder as she swam to the entrance of the cave, dragging him along with her.

She was definitely not at the same place from which they jumped from. She was surrounded by caves, the lake was in the middle. There were fairy lights hanging by the entrance of the caves, some broken and some still lit. There were paintings inscribed on the walls, once bright flowers laid dead on the floor and stones had been arranged in circles everywhere.

The temperature was freezing. She kept him down on the ground, leaning him against a wall, hoping that he wasn't dead and lucky she was on a roll that day as his eyes fluttered open. he clutched his tuxedo jacket, he was breathless. He took in deep short breaths as he tried to process what had happened or where they were.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asked him as she as well took in deep short breaths and tried to make herself stable.

She was a mess. Her hair had been opened, there were some small tears on the lower part of her gown and she was totally drenched. Sebastian's clothes though weren't. He was in a waterproof tuxedo but he was still drenched.

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