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22 BBYCoruscant, Core Worlds

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22 BBY
Coruscant, Core Worlds

Walking at a close distance behind the Jedi, Jaika followed the few Council members who were strolling through the Senate building with Chancellor Palpatine. The girl was not quite sure as to why her Master wanted her to tag along, she only guessed that he wanted her to learn some things about politics and the world outside of the Jedi Order.

Thinking about that reason, Jaika was somewhat pleased that Master Plo suggested that she followed behind. The girl wanted to have more exposure to the Galaxy and what was going on, instead of flying to different planets because of 'Jedi Business'. Jaika thought it would be useful to learn more about the Republic as she was part of the Jedi Order which was affiliated with the Republic; so the girl wanted to know who she was sided with and what the Republic's political standing was.

As Jaika walked through the stone-floored halls, occasionally glancing between Master Yoda and Master Windu as they spoke to Chancellor Palpatine about whatever was troubling them. "Chancellor, word has got out that the Viceroy, Nute Gunray had allied with the Separatists. He could become a danger to the Republic." Master Windu revealed, concern laced into his voice as he glanced over at the Chancellor, awaiting for his answer on what they were to do about it.

Jaika's eyes widened at this revelation. She remembers the Viceroy from the battle on Naboo and recalled that he wanted to kill Padmé, which was how Jaika was thrown into the world of the Jedi and the Republic. If the Viceroy is back would he try to harm her again?

Jaika quickly buried her worry and stress, as she did not want the other Jedi to sense her strong emotions. That was one thing that Jaika found difficult, as she can be quite an expressive girl and the fact that she is not allowed to express strong emotions is almost suffocating to her. She has spent the last ten years burying her emotions, which she could only handle for a few hours before she would eventually implode from the overwhelming amount of emotions that had reached their optimal capacity and could no longer be held back.

 Jaika never understood the reasoning for not being allowed to express strong emotions. Of course she understood why Jedi could not feel anger or fear as those emotions usually made Jedi more vulnerable to the temptations of the dark side; but emotions such as stress or contentment were normal emotions that every living being in the Galaxy felt, which made it nearly impossible for her to contain them.

Th girl snapped out of her conflicted thoughts when she recalled the name that Master Windu mentioned. Jaika had heard of The Separatists from previous meetings that she had attended; as well as chatter that the girl had eavesdropped into when she was in any public place. Over the past few years, the Separatists made themselves known to the Republic in multiple Senate meetings, which of course sparked controversy as no one had acted against the Republic in years. 

The girl knew that the Separatists were a group that wanted to free themselves from the grasp of the Jedi and the Republic. Jaika had not come across that group in person, but from the way that Master Windu spoke to the Chancellor; it informed her that they could be a great threat. The girl knew that the Viceroy was dangerous, after her experience on Naboo was quite startling to the young girl. If there were more people in the Separatist Alliance that were like Nute Gunray, Jaika could only imagine what would happen once the Republic would get involved.

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