Chapter 3 : First move

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Zelk's POV
2:46 pm

It's been a few days since they first met, but Zelk couldn't seem to get Mega off his mind. So he decided to do something about it.

ZelkTheElk: hey, mega?

ZelkTheElk: u wanna do a vid w/ me?

MegaPVP: what r we doing?

ZelkTheElk: i was thinking we could trap 100 kids in a box or something

MegaPVP: wow so original. but sure

ZelkTheElk: ok, ill get the kids, you make the box

ZelkTheElk: server ip is ********

ZelkTheElk: imma start recording in 20 min

MegaPVP: ok then

Mega's POV
3:04 pm

Mega had just finished making the bedrock box when Zelk joined. He hurriedly opened his Teamspeak before muting.

"Alright, I'm gonna tweet the ip. You ready?"

'Just about, yeah'

"Okay, great!"

And with that last note, players immediately started to flood in.

- 1 hour later -

Well, that was a great success. Mega was happy to find that Zelk seemed to know how to handle this kind of thing.

Mega, on the other hand, not really. He'd just stayed in vanish for most of the event and helped with some bugs and a few hackers. Nevertheless, Zelk still thanked him.

"Thanks for coming Mega! I hope I didn't waste too much of your time!"

'It's fine. I kinda enjoyed it' He thought for a moment before deleting the last line.

"Okay then, glad to know you don't hate me!"

'Whatever, bye'

"Bye Mega!"

Zelk's POV
4:09 pm

Zelk tilted back in his chair, shutting his eyes. The somewhat collab had gone pretty smoothly and he was satisfied with that. He still had a few videos to edit, but that could be done later. Zelk wanted to preserve the memory of the event first.

Zelk snapped his eyes open. Why did he want to keep that memory so much? The event was basically the same as any other event he'd ever hosted. Why was this one special? The only difference was been that Mega had been there...

The distant 'ping!' of his phone shook him from his thoughts. It was from Skeppy. Of course it was. Huffing, he grabbed it and read the message.

Skeppy: tsaff meetign het on

ZelkTheElk: theres no meeting scheduled today

ZelkTheElk: whats the occasion?

Skeppy: jsut come

Skeppy: ur liek the lasst person nto on

ZelkTheElk: fine im coming

Skeppy POV
4:21 pm

Skeppy was very not okay. One of his devs had just reported a massive error with the codes and told him he needed the as much of the staff team to help fix it.

"Okay everyone, this is very serious. Luke has found a giant error in our coding and we need all the help we can get."

"All of the developers and moderators here need to start find the problem and attempt to fix it. Me, Mega and Zelk will temporarily shut the server down and get everyone out. Understood?"

There was a chorus of 'yes's and the team split into separate channels to resolve the issue.

"Okay, we need to do this fast and efficiently. Zelk, you kick everyone. Mega, close the server and I'll kick anyone who manages to get back in. Got it?"


<MegaPVP> mhm

"Great! Lets hurry up."

- 15 minutes later -

The server had successfully shut down and now the 3 were just nervously waiting on the others.

"This is kinda stressful. I'm gonna call Bad." Skeppy always found Bad to be comforting, for some reason.

"You do you, dude." Zelk chuckled.

"Okay then, I'll be back in a bit!"

Skeppy left the teamspeak, snatching his phone off the desk and calling Bad.

"C'mon, pick up.." Skeppy muttered. Thankfully, the other answered the call.

"Hey Skeppy! What are you doing?"
He heard muffled barking in the background.

"Hey Bad, I am asking once again for your help and support."

"Be quiet, Rat! You muffin, what did you do now?!"

"It's not like that! You always think I do something bad!" Skeppy pouted.

"Yeah ok, I'm sorry. What happened?"

"My server has a ginormous glitch that needs to be fixed and I'm very stressed about it." Skeppy stopped himself before he could go on a giant rant.

"Oh. You poor muffin! But don't you need to help your staff team? You know you can't just make them do everything, right?"

I know, Bad! I've already finished my part and plus, I suck at coding."

"Hmm. That's a good point. But you should still check on them! I realise you're feeling very down right now, but I'm sure it'll be fine in the end!"

"I guess so.... I just felt like I needed to talk to you."

Hey, it's me again!
Sorry, this was kindaaa late.
But hey, I hope the long chapter makes up for it!
My school is starting in a week and I don't think I'll be able to post as
much once it starts. Sorry!
Thanks for reading!

Word count: 828 (wow that's a lot)

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