Your 4 Million Read Choice Part 2 (Violet's Wedding)

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AN; Here is one of your rewards for being such awesome readers to me! In this uncertain time of Covid-19, it's nice to visit a familiar world. It is still amazing to me how many people actually read and fell in love with these characters that live in my head. The last few chapters were kind of rough (and I plan to go back and really fix them up during this year away from grad school) but I hope you enjoy attending Violet's wedding. And please consider checking out some of my other works such as The Pearl and 23 Wolves. Thanks for reading<3-Sam
"Crabapples!" I cried and put my head down on Emily's vanity. Beside me sat the picture of Genifer Tidepool. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to look like she did on my wedding day. My poor imitation of her hair, however, did not carry the same elegance as hers did. The only thing it contained right now was several destroyed purple flowers I had crushed in my attempt to keep them in place and serval knots. I still had a couple of the purple flowers still laid on the smooth white wooden surface in front of me, but I didn't have the energy to continue destroying them in an attempt to get them to stay in place.

There was a soft knock on the door and I lifted my head back up. I propped my elbow on the table and rested my head in my hand.

"Come in," I called

In the mirror I watch Emily open the wooden door to her bedroom slowly, careful not to crush the white lace wedding dress hanging on the door against the wall. She stepped inside holding a sleepy-looking Eli against the long purple dress I had selected for her. Meanwhile. I was dressed in the bright pink robe that she has let me burrow.  That way, I could do my hair without messing it up and then get changed into my wedding dress.

Eli was the perfect mix of both her and Peter. Eli had Emily's honey golden eyes and Peter's wavy brown hair. His little fist was tangled in Emily's hair and his golden eyes were little crescent moons.

Emily's mouth popped open in shock in the reflection of the mirror when her eyes landed on my hair. "Holy cow what happened? I was only gone for 15 minutes!"

"I tried to do my hair. A girl only gets married once and since I can't have an actual wedding, I wanted to look like an actual bride at least. My mom isn't here because doesn't remember who I am and my dad is dead because of me. "I glanced in the mirror again. "Instead I look like I just took a ride in one of your columns of air."

"Here hold Eli for a second," Emily commanded and I turned and took the baby boy and snuggled him up my chest before turning back around to face my reflection in the mirror again. He smelled like soap and roses and I inhaled his scent deeply and placed a soft kiss on top of his head.

"Now can you show me what you were actually trying to do with your hair?"

I nodded and picked up the picture of Genifer Tidepool. Genifer's picture winked at me and adjusted one of the white flowers on top of her head.

"Hmmm, I don't think this would actually suit your hair Vi, but can I try something else?" she asked, while she removed serval crushed flowers from my hair.

"Do you remember my wedding?" she  asked  me suddenly," She took out comb and began to pick all the knots out of my hair.

"Oh course..." I said slowly, even though I had been overjoyed to see my best friend get married, seconds later everything had descended into chaos. Emily had lost her parents and I had to sacrifice my dad.

"That day was the worst day of my life....but I still got to walk away with the love of my life. And you will too. It doesn't matter how your wedding day goes, or what you look like, it's just one day that is followed by many future happy days. Still, I'm going to make sure you look beautiful and that you have a much better day than the one I had."

"Owe !" I cried when Emily ripped out the hair tie I had tried to pull my hair up with. My hair, now free from the knotted mess I had tangled it up in, fell to either side of my face in unruly waves.

"Sorry," Emily mumbled. "Vi, hand me that plate full of bobby pins ," still balancing a now sleeping Eli on my chest, I reached over and grabbed a shallow white dish filled with little black pins.

So much had happened this year. Emily had her baby, Santana and I had discovered that several of Greta's portals remained open all over the land, and I... I touched my stomach that was beginning to stick out ever so slightly. In a couple of months, I would be a mother just like Emily. I had never wanted a child for fear of it turning out like me.  But ever since I had discovered I was pregnant...there wasn't anything more I wanted in this world than this baby.

"All finished!" Emily said happily. She walked across the room and grabbed a handheld mirror and walked back to me. She handed me it and spun me around so I had my back to the vanity's large mirror.

I held up the mirror and stared in awe at the back of my head.  Emily had artfully secured my hair into a half-up double wrapped braid and had pinned the purple flowers into the braid.

I put down the mirror, "It looks beautiful Emily! You are the most amazing maid of honor ever!" I gushed.

Emily beamed down at me, "I know!" she replied.

"Now let's get you into your dress!"

The sky was streaked good and pink as I stepped out of Emily and Peter's cottage and into the garden path for the garden in the back yard . Earlier, Santana, Henry, Emily, and Peter has placed candles on every rock, knock, and cranny of Emily's garden. Those same candles were now all lit and cast a warm glow throughout the dark, accomplices by the glow of fair bodies as the flew through the air. It was still late in the growing season, and everything in the garden was in full bloom.

At the end of the garden path stood Henry with Peter by his side . He leaned heavily on his cane, while his electric blue eyes remained fixed on me. He had on a black suit with a dark purple flower pinned to his chest. It was the same kind of flower as the bouquet of flowers I held in my hand.

To the right of the garden path, Santana sat in one of kitchen chairs. She was dressed in a short yellow and purple dress.  Deception laid by her side, his yellow eyes watching me . To the left, just outside of the gate, both Nessie and Darkrose peered over the garden gate. Every once in a while a fairy would fly too close to them and they would snap at the air in an attempt to catch one. They were always a second to slow for the agile creatures though and the fairies liked to see another sunrise.

Emily looped her arm around and together we walked down the garden path to where Henry waited. And as I looked  into Henry's electric blue eyes, I knew that Emily was right, there would be many happy days ahead of us.

Just before we reach the end Emily let go of me and walked around to the end of the garden path  and onto the glass behind Henry. I stopped right beside Henry and we both turned to face each other.

"Alright you two! It's time to say your vows!" Emily said cheerfully. 

I took a step closer to Henry , took his hands in mine, and looked up into his face. "I love you so much Henry and I always promise to love you . And I am going to try not to cry, because I know you don't like it. But I love you, and I love our baby. And I'm ready to be your wife!"

Henry gently pulled one of his hands away from my hands and his cane and placed it on my stomach, "I'm ready to be your husband and father to our baby. And I promise to protect you and keep you safe, and attempt to stop you from doing stupid things that put your in danger."

I laughed and looked at Emily, who now had tears in her eyes. "I now pronounce you husband and wife!" she yelled.

I cupped the side of his cheeks in my hand , and pulled his face down to mine to kiss my husband for the first time.

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