CHAPTER 11 *Unedited*

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Excuse the spelling and grammatical error. Very rushed ibr.

"Naah Yur takin the piss now, he's only been gone for five minutes" Naomi sighed, as she handed me over some more tissues.

I honestly couldn't help it. I really did try and keep my brave face for as long as I could and I failed miserably. I was no longer in control of it and found myself sobbing endlessly. Eyes puffed up, if you told me this would be my reaction Saturday evening I'd think your lying. I always knew this was not going to be easy. But fucking el, the pain and heartbreak I felt. My baby was not going to be with me. As you guys can tell, I'm a very emotional individual. Usually I'd sob with one, two tear drops , but the emotions I felt today that overtook my body was indescribable. I honestly could not believe that I would react in that way.

"Dami hes in safe hands" Naomi reassured me once again. We have approximately been in the bathroom for seven minutes. I needed to really get a grip of myself and to stop allowing such negativity infuse my mind. All I needed was to give Dwayne the chance to prove himself and to allow Isaiah to get to know his other family.

"Yeah I'm done" I muttered as I splashed my face with cold water to try and soothe the puffiness of eyes. At this moment I had drained every ounce of water in my body and could no longer cry. With Riah and Trevon in the living room, i could not let them know that I had been crying for the past five or so minutes. I also made Naomi promise not to tell either of them or else they would make matters worse by making me feel worser then I already feel.

I really did try to prepare myself for this evening, which turned out to be an absolute disaster for me. We were planning on doing a little movie night today, which I certainly did not have the mood to participate to. If it was entirely up to me, I'd be tucked under my bed crying myself to sleep until 8pm when he comes.


"I don't want to talk about it" Trevon laid his fat head on my lap, as we watched an episode of "Killing Eve." We had just finished watching "Queen and Slim" and settled to watch the first season of some series that Riahs friend recommended for her to watch. Queen and Slim was a good one. However for Tion and Riah, they felt it was very cringe movie ofcourse.🙄

"Stop being so stubborn" I tutted, as I played with his waves. He had gotten into an argument with his mum this morning and came marching to my house, without disclosing the nature of it.

"No why are yu so inner" Trevon added, which I rolled my eyes at.

"Can you lot stfu man" Riah tutted un annoyance.

"Make me" Trevon challenged. There's stubborn and then there's Trevon, he would do anything to get the last word and it killed Riah. I could tell she was burning by the way she aggressively ate the popcorn.

"Dami, Dwaynes on his way" Naomi interrupted as she read out Dwaynes text on my phone. I would be lying if I said I was not relieved to finally get an update from him. Though I had my friends around to keep me company, my heart still felt heavy for my son.
Yes Naomi confiscated my phone in the bathroom after the dramatic outburst I had  and made me promise to be positive about the entire situation. She knew me too well and i certainly could not be trusted with my phone.

"He best be" Trevon scoffed, as he checked his phone to check the time.

"How's Jada?" Naomi surprisingly asked, a question I was also curious to know the answer of. 👀

"She's good, we broke up though " he announced. Being someone that just recently entered Trevons life, I found it odd how he behaved around her. They were so cold and distant to one another, which always came as a shock whenever he introduced her as his girlfriend. Being an outsider, I could arguably say she loved him. Im guessing it got too much for her and she left.

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