. Extra 2

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Man it's been a while, miss me?

Sorry I lost interest in writing anything, even oneshot but I enjoyed writing this. There will definitely be other update but Idk when




"What are you doing?" Dimitry asked in amusement and in shock, I quickly got up, only to have my head slam against the table.

I groaned and crawled back before getting up

I pouted and rubbed my head before glaring at Dimitry

"Non mais sava pas? Tu veux me tuer ou quoi-"

"My sweet little love, what were you doing down under the table?" Dimitry asked, cutting my ramble

I sighed and winced when he rubbed my head softly

"There there, it's okay. Did you drop something?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah, my pen" I said and he hummed

"I love your shorter hair, it suits you. By the way, You think it's okay for me to come to your house?" Dimitry asked and I frowned

"Why are you asking? Of course you can" I asked and he rubbed his head

"I've never stayed the night..." Dimitry trailed and I blinked before slapping his chest

"I would prefer if we don't fuck with a kid in the house" I scowled, crossing my arms and he sighed

"As much as I want to, we have our time for that! It's been 5 months since we've been together and I've never known the experience of holding my sweet love and my little son to sleep" He said lovingly and I could feel my heart race

"F-fine" I mumbled shyly and Dimitry cupped my cheeks

"I love your blushing cheeks" He cooed and I turned redder when he gently pressed his lips against my cheeks

"S-stop being so sweet" I whined and he chuckled

"Then stop being so cute" He whispered huskily. I bit my lips and whimpered when he pressed a kiss on my neck

"D-dimitry, s-stop doing that" I stuttered before giggling when his nose tickled my neck

"Tickles?" He asked and I nodded, squealing when I felt his fingers on my hips

Someone knocked at the door and I pushed Dimitry away

"We're at the office!" I scowled, walking to my table

"Come in" Dimitry said coldly, straightening his suit

I started readjusting the papers at my desk, secretly smiling at Dimitry's professional side

"Good morning sir, Can you please verify the contract one last time before we can proceed further?" A familiar voice said and Dimitry nodded

"Sit" He said and when I lifted my head, I saw Jason, a new employee that started working here 2 months ago.

"Good morning Jason" I Said and he smiled, walking towards me to shake my hand

"Good morning Cédrik! You look like you just had sex but knowing you, that's just your everyday look" He teased and I rolled my eyes before smirking when I saw Dimitry glare at us secretly.

Jealous Dimitry was too cute for me to handle!

I love what comes after his jealousy; not hot sex but rather, clingy Dimitry.

"Don't start with that!" I said, pushing him away. He went back to sit on the chair and I could tell that Dimitry was pissed

"Is something wrong with my work sir?" Jason asked, sensing the tense atmosphere and Dimitry didn't reply

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