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04. Family Ties

A sleeping Aria was startled awake when a loud noise from downstairs reached her ears, the Connor girl slowly proceeded to get out of bed and walked towards her closed bedroom door.

"Hello?!" Aria called out, opening her bedroom door and stepping out of her room, "Jeremy?! Elena?!".

As Aria leaned against the stairs railing and looked down, she saw a shadow pass by, immediately causing her to run down the stairs and towards the kitchen where she saw the shadow go, hoping and praying she wasn't about to come face to face with a intruder or worse, a murderer.

"Hello?" Aria asked, flicking the lights switch in the kitchen, but for some reason, none of the lights wanted to work today.

Aria's attention went towards the living room when the TV suddenly turned on, "This is Logan Fell coming to you live from Mystic Falls with breaking news of another deadly animal attack". Aria walked into the living room and looked at the TV, a curious expression on her face, "The wild animal terrorizing citizens has claimed another victim local high school student, Aria Connor", a mixture of shock and fear ran through Aria's body, when she watched the news about her death, "Police are certain that evidence will confirm that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks".

"You know what's coming next", Aria looked to her side to see Damon standing there, seeing Damon there, a extremely terrified Aria quickly turned around and ran towards the front door, she quickly proceeded to open the door, she then let out a startled scream seeing Damon standing on the other side of the door, she immediately shut the door on Damon's face.

Aria turned around to go hide somewhere, only for eyes to land on Damon, who was standing in the kitchen, with her breathing extremely heavy, Aria closed her eyes and leaned her head against the door, really hoping all of this was just a nightmare and soon she was going to wake up, after a moment Aria proceeded to open her eyes, she let out a relieved breath when she saw no sign of Damon, she then proceeded to take a small step forward, when suddenly Damon came from behind her and bit into her neck, causing the Connor girl to let out a painful and loud scream.

Stefan sat up in his bed, his breathing heavy and erratic from the dream he just had of Damon attacking Aria.

"Bad dream?" Damon asked, sitting on Stefan's desk and playing with the chess pieces, "Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? You really need some human blood, it might even the playing field", Damon looked at his extremely furious brother with a smirk on his face, "Football reference, too soon?", Stefan glared at Damon, he then used his vamp speed to grab a knife from his desk and throw it at Damon's chest, a unaffected Damon looked down at the knife, he then got up from his seat and very easily removed the knife from his chest, "All right, I deserve that, but I just wanted to let you know, they caught the culprit, the animal responsible for killing Coach Tanner and all those people".

"What are you talking about?" a confused Stefan, wondering who did they catch for his brother's doings.

"A mountain lion, really big one" Damon informed, "It attacked a hunter this morning, it's all over the news, deadly beast captured, all's well in Mystic Falls".

"Why would you cover your tracks?" Stefan asked, looking at Damon with uncertainty.

Damon gave Stefan his signature smirk and walked over to one of his bookshelves, "I've decided to stay a while", Damon turned to face Stefan, "And I'm just having way to much fun here with you and Aria".

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