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                Percy Weasley used to bask in whatever silence he could get, back when he was at the Burrow, or Hogwarts, where both seemed to rarely ever have the sweet, sweet bliss of quietness. (— for reference, living at the Burrow made his ears numb by the time he was at Hogwarts; and yet, somehow, the Gryffindor common-room on a weekend seemed to challenge that statement. )

Of course, that was before he graduated and left Molly's motherly nest.

Because now, all the silence could really ever offer was time for Percy to think of the guilt that was eating him inside from his heart and brains to his shaking hands and curled toes.

Silence was no longer peace; It was just a buzzing sound, echoing from his ears to his throat, making him momentarily forget to breathe.

Feeling, hearing his heart beating against the insides of his chest when reading a book on the comfort of his bed didn't ground him anymore, not like it once did.

Ergo, it's safe to say he loathed silence now.

                So when the landlord ever so kindly, informed him of the new contract they've been implementing and testing, and told him that if he didn't like it; he can go pack his bags and find a new place.

Percy was sure that this was against some kind of law or something but then again, the Ministry had more things to worry about.

Like the aftermath of the war that had just been won, or maybe the noble pureblooded families coming out as Death Eaters everyday in the news— ( oh my! who could have known? ) and having their court hearings cancelled every other week because allegedly Ministry workers were getting bribed, to get them out of going to Azkaban... shudder.

                That being said, Percy was sure a Landlord blackmailing someone into accepting the new terms of a flat was the least of their problems at the moment.

Then again... Percy didn't think he even had the guts to go back to the Ministry, right now, even if they could do something. ( Hence, why he has taken a year long gap from work! )

So he figured he didn't have anything to lose ( — other than his privacy, obviously. ) Hell! maybe having someone else in the flat with him might make him feel a little bit sane and not on the brink of losing his mind!

So he nodded his head at Timothy Torres. And from there -and by there we mean after Percy signed the papers and went over the contract thrice- the "Flat-Mate Wanted!" sign was hung:

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