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Agent Riot : H-004
-Entry Log  #15-

SCP-049, also known as the plague doctor. Like Scp-035, this one gave me some warnings about my future life but the weird thing is, when he was in an interview, he kept referring to me as..... cured. I know the reason for this and have kept it away from the foundation. If they knew why then they would send many people to their deaths and I can't have that on my conscience. I may one day tell you but now is not the time.


Riot: So apparently people have been hearing strange noises in this warehouse?

Delta: That is correct Agent Riot, Your job, as usual, is to investigate the noises and report your findings.

Riot: I'm going to say this now, we're going to be working together so call me by my name. Got it?

Delta: I'm not sure I sho...

Riot: Just do it!

Delta: Ok ok.... jeez.

The foundation got reports that people have been hearing strange noises coming from an abandoned warehouse in France and of course I was sent to check it out. The reports say that the people nearby can hear multiple footsteps and with no rhythm to them. Like someone learning to walk but keeps forgetting seconds later.
The warehouse is big, slightly bigger than the average. It's walls had solid concrete for a base and orange rusted metal for the rest. I can see how old this place is by the rush. In most areas the rust has completely eaten through the metal. The few widows that it had have shattered, only leaving behind a few large, sharp shards. The surrounding plants had plenty, uninterrupted time to grow and have taken over the place. If I had to guess I'd stay the plants and vines are the only things keeping this place together. The two large metal doors had a crack between them, big enough for the average man to slip through and luckily for me I could fit. The inside of the building was just as decayed as the outside with plants growing everywhere and large piles of rubble lay here and there. The holed roof allowed for some natural moon light to seep in so there's no need for my night vision.

Delta: What do see?

Riot: *sigh* nothing yet...

Delta: I should just quiet right?


Delta: I'll take that as a yes.

Moving, with high alert, further into the warehouse I can see nothing out of the ordinary nor can I hear anything.

Well, looks like nothings here and it sounds like it too. So when your eyes and ears fail you can always trust your nose.

I pulled off my helmet as the air filtration would have masked anything useful. With the helmet finally off I can get a true sense off what is here. The smell hit me like a train, the strong oder of rotting flesh filled my nose to the brim causing me to close my eyes in disgust. I've smelt this stench before back when I was a merssonary but it was never as strong as this.
Although the stench was powerful I was able to smell something else... it was... like medicine and disinfection. Weird. This place was a car manufacturer when it was still running, not a hospital. Through all my confusion I was able to notice something else on the floor. I knelt down to get a better look. No it's not fresh blood but a mark in the dust. It looked fresh and it looked like something large was dragged across it.

What's going on here?

My question was soon answered as a slow moving corpse walked into view. I didn't notice it until it screamed and charged at me. It closed the distance between us faster than one would think but all it did was run straight into me short sword with the blade sticking right through its head. It collapsed to the ground as soon as I removed the blade.

Hmm..... this is interesting. A rotting body complete covered in stitches.

I spoke to the corpse in a joking tone.

Riot: Say you wouldn't happen to be the only one would you?

A noise emanated from where it came from, immediately catching my attention. The noise sounded like grunts and maybe it meant there was more of this things. Leaving the first one behind I went to investigate the noise. It was coming from behind a rubble pile. To my surprise there was a staircase leading into the ground with a light shining at the bottom. There were multiple noises coming from here but the one that caught my ears was someone singing. As I descended down the stairs the singing continued and only stopped when I reached the bottom.
There was a medium sized room with a single celling light. Inside was a whole bunch of medical equipment along with blood stains but those didn't matter as I saw 6 other corpse and a single black hooded figure facing me with a book in its hands. Without saying a word the corpses charged me. I only pulled out my pistol and sword as the other weapons were not designed for close quarter combat. The corpses stood no chance against me and my precise stabs and head shots. They all fell down in a matter of seconds and now all that's left is the figure with its book. It was writing something but I don't know what or why it would.

???: Hmmmmmm... what an extraordinary display, this has helped me greatly with my reach.

It's voice was male and very much British. If it wasn't for it fluent English I would not have been able to understand it through the white mask shaped like a ravens head. I can see more clearly that its shape is very much humanoid. It slowly approached me yet it was keeping its distance. It was... studying me.

???: Fascinating. You have been cured.

Riot: Cured from what?

???: You should know, otherwise you wouldn't have been cured. The pestilence...

Riot: What the hell is that, some kind plague?

???: Worse.

Riot: Well I still have no idea what you are talking about but I'm going to have to take you with me.

???: Why of course, I'd like to see how your doctors managed to cure you and increase your physical limits.

-End flashback-

It's corporation surprised me but never the less I did my job. The scientists tried to find out what this 'pestilence' is but they had no luck. I'm still wondering how it knew I was genetically modified but I guess some questions are best left unanswered.

Howzit guys, I'm sorry for the late update but to tell you the truth I tried 4 different drafts and I didn't like any of them. I feel like this is the best out of all of them so I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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