{⋅. Twenty-Two .⋅}

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"George hold still."



Dream and George were now seated in a newly established plains, just a few leaf blocks scattered in the air here and there and a tree behind them that had managed to survive the flames.

They had waited out the fire, seated in a big pool of water, and Dream was now finally attending to George's leg, wrapping it in wool and patting water into it.

But George was very persistent of making this simple task difficult.

"George I'm gonna murder you."

"Manhunt but I chase down an injured person."

"Not funny, didn't laugh."

George burst out into a small fit of giggles.

"Well, I laughed, so that must mean something right?"

"Your unbearable."

A small silence hung between them, as the wind rusted through the tree and a distant oink of a pig was heard. {Imma name it Jeremy}

"I miss Sapnap."

George's eyebrows jumped up, tilting his head slightly in confusion.

"Why? It's not like he's dead or anything."

"I know, but like... he's not on the same team as us, and like... I don't like it."

Dream let a small sigh slip out of his mouth.

"I don't know, it's complicated."

"You sound like a girl talking to another girl about a crush on some boy."

Dream laughed, before going falsetto and mimicking putting on nail polish.

"oH mY gOd Georgia! You are NOT going to believe what he did to me. He looked at me!"

Rolling his eyes, George quickly put on a high pitch and let out a gasp.

"Oh my god! Dreammm! He's totally into you! oH mY gOd!"

The two of them burst into laughter.

"No but..." Dream trialed off again. "I miss him."

George sighed, and lay back. The water was still pooling around them, and the small current was rustling his hair.

"I get it... I miss him too."


"Dream, get out of the tree."

"You're not my daddy~"

"Get out of the fricking tree I am basically your dad."

"You're not my dad!"

"I basically am your fricking dad, get out of the tree."

"I'm in a tree, and you're not."

Their voices overlapped each other, both bickering. When George's back was turned, Dream had scaled the last teaming birch tree and was not promptly seated on the branches, peaking through the leaves so that only his face was visible. George, whose leg wasn't still fully recovered, was forced to remain on the earth and yell.

"Get out of the fricking tree!"

"I'm literally in a tree and you're not. You're not my dad."

"Literally get out of the tree."

"Tell me why, I don't give a f***."

"Get out of the tree."


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