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Massive thanks towards: KakiTheCat, Fenrir0708, DriftFox, VidaLucas1,and the many others that read this

And Special thanks towards:

CatExperienceRequim, for supporting and commenting!

LedToDeath, for supporting the chapters and commenting!

Pckay09, for supporting and commenting!

And of course, major props to LectroNyx, who not only inspired me to implement many of my more... Bizarre ideas, but was also the catalyst for creating the Boson Energy idea, and also helped inspire me to write more and to write better.

Go read his book! It's amazing and very inventive, and also deals with protogen!

As well as a thank you towards CleverRaptor, for helping me with the basics of protogen lore. The cannon lore, anyways.

Man, this story was so fun to write. I love Sci-Fi and Adventure books so much, and I love Romance even more!

In the first draft, I didn't do the whole romance thing because I was a little scared of feedback on it. Cut me some slack, alright? It was like my second book.

And no, this is not the end of this saga thingy. There will be a sequel, and although B-64 will not be returning, there will be a happy ending for Mason. Sort of.

I wanted to do a prologue, but I feel like having one would just, well, not mesh well with the forty-first chapter, and I think that's fine.

Some interesting notes though. I wanted to include Pattern Screamers (Or at least, my idea of Pattern Screamers) in this book.

See, in the first draft there was an entire other character that is nonexistent (For now!) in this universe. His name was Flare, and he was a being purely made out of electricity. I transferred the power over to Ion, and got rid of Flare.

I guess past me thought that every group needed that somehow unfunny comedic relief character.

Also another note, most of the lore that I came up with will be explained in the next book!

And that book is here! You can read it if you like, I honestly really like it. It's ending up to be about 120 or so chapters long, so its... not a light read, heh! But, if you'd like to read it, it's on my profile! Factory Reset: Divine Corruption

But, yeah. That's about all I wanted to say. Thank taking your time to read this book, and I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it!

~ Candle

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